Monday, January 21, 2008

things have changed for me...

but thats ok.


Unknown said...

AHAHAHA!!! You put it up?? Haha! Were you behind this?

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to the new album.

Anonymous said...

you finished it before i did!!!

and ive been working hard... lol

starry-eyed kid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

thank you.
very much. [:

Anonymous said...

rumor has it, you've been apartment hunting in chicago....
please be true. we miss you here.

TurnUpTheMusicc said...

i am sooo excited for htis to come out. do u know when tickets for the hodna civic tour are released? i am SOO excited for them to tour. i saw them last november. it was great.

thanks for showing! =D

lemon&little lemon said...

kudos to you and your proteges for piquing my interest. it takes a lot to keep me entertained; you (and them and those around you and some of the people around me) win the game.

"something about the way we looked that day; caught in the act of trying to look away"

i've come to terms with enjoying panic's music. even though some 'friends' lose respect for me, and the hippie/indie culture i've surrounded myself in laughs at me...i'm more excited for panic's new cd than anything else this year.

Anonymous said...


cant wait for the album. <3
i ahve to show my friend this x]

Niki said...

so many things have changed, peter.
including you.
im not testifying you for it, or anything, and i still admire you, but i really do miss fob before ioh. i love that cd, it was just... mellow.
im wondering what the next cd will sound like.

i dont think i can ever dislike fob, no matter what you guys do.

woah, i got wayyy off track.
yeah. pretty. odd.
that's pretty odd.

is that all the puzzle was?

that's the album cover, huh?
oh wow, that was a little slow.
that's awesome.

Anonymous said...

....Haha, what, I was just stalkin-- uh.. reading your blog two minutes ago.

.....Wow, my connection is laggy.

It's okay, Pete. You don't have to worry. I know I'm not going to.

Anonymous said...

thaqnk you thank you thank you!! i was going insane!! i didnt no if i could take the strain!!! love u to death xtra much now!!!

alyssa said...

livejournal has been going insane over this. i think the patd comm exploded, or something.

Anonymous said...

God,this reminded me how much I'm anticipating that CD.
Thanks a bunch,Peter.

sour baby bottle girl said...

dude i miss them so much im so stoked.

Anonymous said...

ive been so starving for this

its been too long...

Anonymous said...

panic(!) at the disco is amazing. i love them so much. as people and as artists. they are so unique.
<3 my second fav band next to fob.

Anonymous said...

You're getting me too excited to hear THINGS HAVE CHANGED.

Or read the lyrics, even. idk.

I have a feeling it's gonna be epic. If not for everyone, then for me at least.

Naomi said...

I'm so psyched for this album - I love the direction their music is going, and I can't wait to hear more.

Anonymous said...

thank you peter<3
i am sooo excited!

limbic mom said...

THanks Pete, now I'm gonna have blue ears til March 25th unless you can do something about that....

Unknown said...

I could not be more excited about their new album. Everything I've heard so far is brilliant.

xo said...

but did you go to the second step as to take away the puzzle lines?

didn't think so.


Anonymous said...

Gahhhhhhhhhhh everyone keeps talking about this song with the "things have changed for me" I am just dying to hear it!

diamond girl said...

haha good job.

i was looking for the last piece and got distracted with doug.

ty for reminding me and posting the whole thing.

tiffany said...

Next I think you should tell The Hush Sound to get moving on their whole "viral marketing" thing. Clearly I'm a little impatient.

Anonymous said...

Well I have to say I am happy you posted the finished puzzle, it has been driving me insane the last couple of days...

I sense your diabolical mind behind this Pete...

Can't wait for the new album to drop, everything I have heard so far sounds great, also can't wait to see them this year on the HCT, let's see if they can follow in FOB's footsteps and put on a amazing show.

xo said...

oh ps, i am totally on to you. the name of your picture is the same name as a panic boardie who added the last piece. you are such a lurker, don't even deny it.

chicagoxpillowz said...


now, if only you could solve the medicine man's riddles.
then i would like, bake you a cake or something.

:) said...

haha wooo, now i dont have to do it myself.

Anonymous said...

Speaking of viral marketing...

dreamyraynbo said...

Awesome. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

gosh, i'm pretty sure i love you right now. i was pulling my hair out to figure out what it said. thanks!

Anonymous said...

Pretty sneaky, bro.

Can we play Connect Four?

Anonymous said...

i'm loving that you got this from their lj community haha

Anonymous said...

well, I just burst out into random screaming... xD :-| (I'm in desperate need of a life...)

haha, yay for the final puzzle! :D

Anonymous said...

Damn and I thought I was special for getting about four of the pieces together...
Can't wait to see Panic on the Honda Civic Tour, and for their new c.d...

I also can't wait to see their new video...the pictures on your Friends or Enemies seemed Pretty.Odd
I just had to go there...

Anonymous said...

Thank You I have been going crazy with all the little games Panic has been playing but I must say I miss the ((!))

Anonymous said...

something pretty. odd.
is going to blow your mind
and make you addicted
to panic.
325 is all that matters.
rest in peace-!

Anonymous said...

ahh.. thank you <3

Anonymous said...

this new album is going to be absolutely amazing.

Anonymous said...

i still think you were behind all this

caiti borne said...

So that's the whole puzzle. Ack!! Thanks! Can't wait for the album and Honda Civic Tour (you guys were awesome last year, btw).

Anonymous said...


seriously? im gonna hurt you!

ok, not really. but damn it, i wanted to figure it out first.

oh well.

new album's gonna rock.

inthesky said...

i just knew that you would have the finished product.

in my naivety i kept checking up on here for a piece of the puzzle

you surpass even yourself wentz

19Annie88 said...

Yikes... I'm excited for the new album. It will be great, I saw you on the Honda Civic Tour last summer and I'm going to see Panic(!) this time around. Yay.

A Girl Running Away From Reality said...

thank you! panic was driving me insane with all those puzzle pieces. I can't wait for the album

inthesky said...

pete your a thief and a lurker stole this off a boardie?

good job we still love you

Vices said...

Oh sweet jesus I'm so excited about this album.


Pete, did you orchestrate the puzzle? That's...that's amazing. I had assumed it was Ryan, that kid seems like he'd do something like that...

(capslock is cruise control for cool.)

Anonymous said...

you know if you would've clicked it again the puzzle piece lines would've dissappeared

Anonymous said...

I only found four pieces...damn, I suck.

But you have no idea how stoked I am for this CD. Shit's gonna blow Fever out of the water - I can tell.

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for posting the album cover! I've been too lazy to look for the pieces lol thanks again!

Now that you're not on tour anymore you should come to Chicago a lot more so random people like me can say hi too you in real life!
sorry if that sounded stalker-ish xD

Anonymous said...

What the hell does the Medicine Man have to do with any of this? He was in my dream last night and it was quite weird.

Anyways, pretty sweet album cover.

Anonymous said...

made my day!

its about time that i had another cd to be excited about.

im burning holes in my fall out boy cd and my chemical romance cd from the amount of times ive played them.

Miranda Eryn said...

Are they implying that they can't help but change the way they are? That's how I interpret it. It fits me.

Jennifer said...


This is awesome, been working so much, I haven't had time to sit around and figure out what the hell everyone was going nuts over.\

Love the cover, want it like now.

People are odd here aren't they?

No more here than anyone else though, lol!

Hugs and love.

Shannon said...

you know if you go to their website and click on each puzzle piece and then the whole thing afterwards you can see it without the puzzle piece shapes

haha someone put a star trek thing here...thanks for that. i'm hella excited for the new movie. i saw the trailer for it today when i saw cloverfield.

and yeah, what the HELLL is up w/ the whole medicine man thing? and the hush sound? i don't get it.

Anonymous said...


Plus, I totally just posted about this on my LiveJournal, though I have a sneaking suspicion that your post will get several more comments than mine. ;)


meganharris. said...

SOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I was trying to figure out where everything went lol. Now I can just cheat :)

Lola. said...

I'm rediculously excited for this. Change is good, and i can't wait to see how they've grown as musicians. God, this is going to be fantastic.

julia said...

very poignant.

"can't take the kid from the fight, take the fight from the kid."

Anonymous said...

thanks pete!
you are so kind~
please give more info about hct tour... as much as you know

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe:
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

"Beware the Jabberwock, my son!
The jaws that bite, the claws that catch!
Beware the Jubjub bird, and shun
The frumious Bandersnatch!"
He took his vorpal sword in hand:
Long time the manxome foe he sought --
So rested he by the Tumtum tree,
And stood awhile in thought.
And, as in uffish thought he stood,
The Jabberwock, with eyes of flame,
Came whiffling through the tulgey wood,
And burbled as it came!
One, two! One, two! And through and through
The vorpal blade went snicker-snack!
He left it dead, and with its head
He went galumphing back.
"And, has thou slain the Jabberwock?
Come to my arms, my beamish boy!
O frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!'
He chortled in his joy.

`Twas brillig, and the slithy toves
Did gyre and gimble in the wabe;
All mimsy were the borogoves,
And the mome raths outgrabe.

xwendyxdarlingx said...

that's pretty cool

kellyana said...

You really have vision Pete for signing PATD, they are a wonderful, musical gifted bunch!

Jamie said...

Can't wait! Should be amazing!

Anonymous said...

Hi Pretty!

Anonymous said...

Im ridiculously excited for this album!! I actually have the date it comes out marked on my calendar :) there is no way im going to miss the HCT this year

dreadingthedream said...

cool! i love the cover! can't wait for the new album.

Anonymous said...

You beat me.
round of applause to Peter Lewis Kingston Wentz the Third.

Bear xo said...

the whole thing behind 'Pretty. Odd.' has totally made my year. i love riddles and alike, and then for my favourite band (sorry Fall Out Boy, you really are great, but i have my reasons) to pull a stunt like this, its awesome.

i really hope the album is as good as you've made it sound, Pete. Or i shall have my dog lick you to death *evil laugh*. i'm just joking, i can't hold anything against you.

Sarah xo

Anonymous said...

the ocks, and i had that finished before panic! put it up on their website.

Anonymous said...

it happens, sometimes change is good...

Anonymous said...

yay! I can't wait for their album =D

are you the medicine man?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for this album. The songs I've already heard give me chills.

I love Ryan Ross. Amazing human being <3

Anonymous said...

Nice cover.Do you always hid stuff on this blog?

Miss Crystal said...

Ahhhhhh new album
Ahhhhhh UK tour
Ahhhhhh . . . .

I'm so happy right now =)

Hibiscus731 said...

The new album is going to be amazing!

Samantha said...

holy shit. I'm excited. Reminds me of the interview when joe(I think) was talking about how someone came up and was like 'your in fall out boy right...whens the new panic cd comming out?' hahah! I can't wait until their next tour. I have to say, there concerts are by farrr my fav. They put on a great show.

Anonymous said...

im so buying this the day it comes out.
im gonna like, go to the closet i dee kay circuit city and like, sleep outside the day before. i will, that howmuch i want it hahah. im such a panic diehard =]]

Laura said...

i am going to photoshop an "!" in there... :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i simply cant wait to get
my hands & ears on the new

Anonymous said...

Panic! At the Homo-erotic Dance Party.

Pee-Pee Wentz, FoB should pick up the lost ! .
You can be Fall Out Boy! Get all the girls excited. x]

Anonymous said...

whats changed peter?

was that puzzle your idea? because you drove me insane (:

Anonymous said...

Duuuuuuuude finally! =]
Bahh, it looks amazing.
It's sad that Panic dropped the !.
It made it PANIC! At The Disco!!! =]
Now they're still awesome, but...
It's now just... panicatthedisco. xD

And they said that they got rid of it cause they're tired of typing the punctuation? xD
Haha, then why's there punctuation in the cd title?
Oh well... Can't wait to see 'em at the HCT. You guys ROCKED it last year. =] They'll have some shoes to fill.

melanie said...

I love the puzzle, hopefully it really is the album cover xD
I think so though.

I'm very excited <3
It's my most anticipated album of both 2007 and 2008 :p

62 more days ;)

Anonymous said...

wow! i can't wait for that to come out

Fe said...

ooooooo man I can't wait..
been waiting for their new one!

Anonymous said...

Ive been at my grandma's for a month... havent been on much...waht im getting at is... WTF?!? where do you find the peices WTF?? somone with a brain has to explain please :)

Anonymous said...

I still hate them for abbandon "!" :( now they just panic
Aaaaaaaaaaaaa! [sad scream].
Now they MUST give us great record ;>
cover is nice ;]

Anonymous said...

I am so effin' excited I can't even begin to tell you.

Am I the only one who thinks they should replace the exclamation mark with a question mark?

Panic? at the disco???


still wandering said...

well excited for 25th of march. 2 reasons
1)happy 18th to me
2)new panic album on the wish list
je suis tres excitement! xD haha my french is appauling

julia said...

you quoted ryan. i can't get over the fact that he has that as a line in one of their songs. "he's so loved, yet so unloved" i wonder what it's like to be him.

i wonder what it's like to be you.

Anonymous said...

I think I finnaly get it now
being happy & healthy(well, sorta anyways) is not that bad :)

Anonymous said...

i swear half these comments say something about Fall Out Boy and Panic at the Disco being someones 2favorite bands.

im pumped for this album
and cute is what we aim for's new album in the summer
and maybe a new academy is album?

this will be a fun year :]

Anonymous said...

WOAH WOAH WOAH new panic album! I'm so so so excited to get this. I'm gonna go to the store the day it comes out to buy it. my friends and I are already making plans to see them on the HCT this year...last year was YOU GUYS, and it was amazing, I'm looking forward to an awesome show by panic but in the back of my mind I'll always be remembering the simply outstanding untoppable show you put on. :)

Unknown said...

I have been waiting for this CD for ever. I'm so excited and I can't wait to see the boys on the HCT this summer. It's going to be insane.

sceaterian said...

I seriously love it when he fanboys Panic. Somehow I feel like he gets Ryan, which is weird because they're practically polar opposites.

Anonymous said...

can't wait til it comes out.
hope they come to vancouver!

R said...

I feel the same. (I'm on my way)

Anonymous said...


i seriously cannot wait for the album, 25th march <3333. :D:D:D:D

alice said...

i am so scared for those boys. folk? really? i repeat, i am very scared for them.

Anonymous said...

im sure ill love this album
i cant wait
yes they have changed
but so did fob
and the outcome=amazing,life changing album

Anonymous said...

i understand exactly what you mean..
pete you amaze me

Anonymous said...

I'm actually pretty excited for this, even though I wasn't too crazy about their last record.

Anonymous said...

FINALLY!!!!i'm sooo looking forward 2 thid album!

contorted love said...

i hunted till 5:10am 3 nights in a row for this.

and im loving it.

it gave me a reason to avoid sleep.

Anonymous said...

Ok, there was a major inflation in the ammount of comments that started coming in. It's kinda sad, in my opinion. cos pete probably had plenty of time to read 19 or 30 comments, but over 100? i think not. It feels almost like he's an entire species above us. As snotty as this seems, he's got an 'A list' life ahead of him. why would he care about us? perhaps i just think too deeply and darkly about this...
Sorry if i seem like a cow but im gonna stick my comment out here for anyone who wants to read it

Anonymous said...

did i hear NEW ALBUM!!!!!????? So EXCITED!

Anonymous said...

i hope they haven't changed too much that you won't say hello here and there.

I'm glad you made this blog because I miss your old one... I'm talking old old one at where i begged you to wish me happy birthday on it.

I miss you. friends forever?

christie ryder