Monday, January 21, 2008

how insane would it have been to be here

like does this dude breathe oxygen? listen to the applause after he busts out the moonwalk for the first time.


Melanie said...

I love love love M.J's work. Even though some people may not like him because of some of the things he has done at the end of the day he's still an amazing singer.

And no one can take that away.

Anonymous said...

i ADORE michael, and thought that exact same thing if i could go back in time and see any shows (besides early FOB in chicago, of course, how cliche and lame) i would kill kill killllll to see michael anytime in the 80's or 90's. he is seriously my entire childhood, and i LOVE that you love him.

Unknown said...

I love this video... My parents have a DVD collection of all his videos and some preformences... He's a genius... There is always a place for M.J in my heart.

Anonymous said...

PS; no, he doesn't (breathe oxygen)...he is absolutely inhuman. No one will EVER dance like him.

TurnUpTheMusicc said...

woohoo! dance michael dance!

love his somgs. he can sing! would love to go back in a time machine to see him.

Anonymous said...


he is truly amazin haha :)

Anonymous said...

Ah,fuck. That was beautiful.

Anonymous said...

i love his music<3
wouldnt it be amazing just to go back in time (preferabley the 80's) and see all of these artists and just be blown away by how amazing they are. i adore the 80's. and sometimes i wish i grew up in that time period. i just love it.
i hope you get some sleep tonight peter<3

hilary said...

sad that he's not like that anymore.

Anonymous said...

i can't comprehend how some people can just be so talented. does not compute in my little head. MJ,

Anonymous said...

he's such an awesome preformer. one day, i'll drag my friends to one of his concerts.

Anonymous said...

“In a world filled with hate, we must still dare to hope. In a world filled with anger, we must still dare to comfort. In a world filled with despair, we must still dare to dream. And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe.”


Anonymous said...

yeah. MJ, Freddie Mercury, Andy Warhol...and you're up there too in the lyrics department.

wow i forgot what i was doing and hit comment, haha.

Anonymous said...

that is fucking awesome.

you should auction off yours and travies pieces of art, and donate it to charity. just a thought.

Anonymous said...

i love him as an artist. not as a person.

limbic mom said...

Totally asylum! But then if I were there then, I might not be here now...

Anonymous said...

my one guy friend has been pushing michael on me recently. hes all like " u dont know how great he was, watch this performance, hes so amazing..."
ya.. i guess i just had to be there/alive during that time...? but i can definately see how he has influenced music today. and i try not to let their personal lives affect the music for me. (hello i still listen to britney)

VenusEnvi said...

MJ is a f**king god.

Anonymous said...

Now pete, don't you wish you had legs as talented as that lol!!

Would you trade in your spins for Michael Jackson moves...?

Rhetorical question maybe?

Sarah X

xxx said...

I defintily am dropping whatever for the reunion tour with "The Jackson Five." Seriously i'm stoked, and even that doesn't begin to cover it.

:) said...

despite what has happened (or hasnt happened) recently, you cant NOT respect MJ as an artist.

this blog is actually really, really interesting.

jenrools said...

living legend number 1

Stacy said...

You either love Michael Jackson or you hate him. I can remember seeing him in concert a very long time ago in Jacksonville, FL. I think I was 10 or 11. I will say one thing, the man was a born performer.

It's cool that people still appreciate him for his musical ability regardless of his personal life.

RileyNinja said...

ahahah. i love that! i can moonwalk. i did it at my dance recital last year and everyone was like "is she serious?" hahahah.

BobbyGirl said...

I'm so glad I'm not the only bored one...

Billy Jean was the shit!

Anonymous said...

say what you want about that man, doesn't change a thing,he's still the King of Pop. Just relived a random part of childhood with that song! :)

just another romantic said...

if i had been there, i would be alternating between completely speechless and too-loud screaming.

(now i have to go blare some mj on my tape player.)

Anonymous said...

That's insane! you should check out my blog I just started it and I would love it if you would read and comment please.

Anonymous said...

I love Michael. It really would have been cool to see him in concert. In 6th grade, I was in drama club and we had to perform the thriller dance in front of like the whole school... lol, it was awesome.

and I still remember the dance. :)

Anonymous said...

pretty rad, MJ will be king forever.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete I hope you read this if not, its not that important...but I thought I would take the time to introduce funny video(s) to you... It like sucks up 45 minutes of your life but its totally worth every minute,Even if your in a blue mood, which trust me (I know) You need a good laugh every now and then!

Anonymous said...

Thats was kick ass! Hes such n amazing siger/dancer...
But pete omg you actually look for these vids? LOL
wish i could moon-walk =[

Anonymous said...

Watching old performances and listening to old songs like that always makes me wonder what it's going to be like in 20-30 years. ... Looking back and seeing how awesome things were 'back in the day'. Hopefully I won't have to look back at the artists of today with the same pity and dissapointment that I look at what other artists of yesteryears have become. (that sentence is so grammatically messed up :/)

Anonymous said...

I love it I am come on who doesn't When I was 5 I wanted to married him and I had this really cool shirt that said Beat It on it I wish I still had had it yet I doubt it would fit. But I still think Thriller is the best <3

Nattalie Ramsay said...

I would effing die if I could have seen MJ perform. he's completely amazing. I wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

Two things:
- I wish i had his socks
- I wish i could dance with no inhibition like that.

Anonymous said...

it would've been completely insane to have been there. he's pretty awesome.

Anonymous said...

He was awesome back then before the media sent him crazy.
But he did not create the moonwalk!

Deenie Bean said...

I remember being a little kid and watching this video on tv. He really is an amazing artist. Its really too bad hes done the things hes done.

inthesky said...


Anonymous said...

effing amazing. really.

MJ's stuff (and Eiffel 65, but that's totally different) was like, all i listened to as a little kid, back before the media "killed" him and ruled what they thought important over his musical career.

but really? that would've rocked to be there.

Miss D said...

I remember that I was 8 or 9 this and Madonna doing Like a Virgin on the 84 vma’s are my top TV music memories. I feel old all the sudden.

life seems almost enchanted after all said...

pretty insane

19Annie88 said...

Wentize! That's amazing, you and I have more in common than I thought. I absolutely love Michael. I must have watched him do the moon walk 10 times back to back. I would have LOVED to have been there.
Honestly when I'm not busy jammin out to FOB, Cobra, or Gym Class I have a mix CD of nothing but Michael Jackson that is listen to in my car, my friends and I even put it on at parties and everyone goes wild for it, lol.
Oh and here is something that might interest you, not many people know about this, you might but who cares because I'm going to tell you anyway, MJ has a new song out with Akon and let me tell you, it's pretty hot. Give it a download if you haven't already ;)

Anonymous said...


A Girl Running Away From Reality said...

wow all my friends are like eww M.J. is sick and yet his music is just amazing its like in the end even after all hes down he still makes awsome music and wow that guy can dance....

Michele said...

i think michael jackson was genius but oh well time passes by.

Anonymous said...

michael jackson was genius but oh well time passes by.

Anonymous said...

that was completely speechless

Anonymous said...

does he breathe oxygen? i dont know, i was thinking more along the lines of does he have bones? is he even human? ahah that shit is insane.

i think people should have applauded even louder. haha no lie, that takes skill. i don't get how he does it.

Anonymous said...

that's pretty crazy. back in the day, he was a pretty insane musician. well, now, he's just...uh...insane. Too bad he keeps a tarp over his kid's face and randomly gets plastic surgery. I think people have lost their love for him.

But, if MJ were to go on tour again, I would deff. see him.

Anonymous said...

Come now. We know you've been practicing those moves in your bathroom for months. Don't you think it's time to bust them out? Say, next Trainwreck Tuesday?

Anonymous said...

no, i don't really think he does.

a e said...

wow agreed.
that would have been beyond insane.
the first commenter stole the words right from my mouth.

Anonymous said...

I've tried to do the frickin' moonwalk so many times it's not even funny. I don't think anyone else can bend his/her body like that.

Though there are a number of people I would like to see try.

Anonymous said...

he was amazing... one time i was working in my uncles shop and i got reaaly bored so decided to listen to some music but my uncle only had a cd player and a couple of cd's. i asked him what i should listen to and he practiclly shoved thriller down my throat. but im soo glad he did.
why does the fucking best artist in the world have to go and do some stupid shit, and then make everyone hate him.....

janette_falls said...

Wow. I remember this.
Doubt I seen it when it was first live though.
MJ is an icon.
I am not sure what I would have done without his music in the eighties.
But then again..
I listen to everything.
Like most.
And love some.
Thanks for posting this.

Anonymous said...

Jeeze, MJ is amazing...well, musically anyway. XD I'd kill to have such awesome stage presence, wow.

xXxpwnstarxXx said...

his pants are soooo high up. kinda funny when compared to today.

Anonymous said...

i left my itunes on and suger we're going down came on and you wouldnt believe how good they sounded together. mash-up please?

Anonymous said...

This is so weird, I remember watching this in the summer and asking the same question "When does he breathe?" I guess it's when he says "Oooh"
Dunno why people don't like him, he's awesome :)

julia said...

do you believe chris brown is the new micheal jackson?

pretty close, but i don't really think so.

Anonymous said...

He was so awesome then. Wish he was still like that.

Anonymous said...

no music collection is complete without michael jackson in it. good video.

Anonymous said...

hey, i expected this to show up on your little bloggity, but maybe you missed it:

a mattress just for snuggling! i know you and that pretty girl would love it. (i hope you tell her how gorgeous her hair is on a daily basis.)

infinity said...

Fucking Michael Jackson is spectacular. What I'd give to have a piece of that talent..

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Oh man, thanks sooooo much for posting this: I always forget just how unearthly MJ's talents are.

dreadingthedream said...

pretty insane. he's an amazing performer.

Anonymous said...

that would be totally insane...cant touch that guy, he's the shit.....imagine Patrick moonwalking!!!

x_kiwibird said...

I'd definitely love to have seen that. Though I doubt when I build my time machine I would. Because you know I'd fuck something up and Fall Out Boy would actually be called Radioactive Man.
Seeing Micheal perform before the aliens got him would've been so killer.
And now they got Britney Spears, too.
And Tom Cruise is just WAITING for the aliens to take him away.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you know the five seconds before he actually does it, but you just know it's coming? Hand to God-- goosebumps. I remember taping the special he did with Oprah when I was a kid; the one where he shows her how he does the moonwalk. I rewound that part over and over. This, that Autralian kid, and Dan Deacon's "Drinking Out of Cups" are my favorite things about Youtube right now.

'Lovely' said...

I’m not be cynical. Really.
[you’re looking for the "but", aren’t you?]

But. I know what it would’ve been like to have been there (well, not really there). So wrapped up in the idea of just being there. Being 10 or 50 or 100 ft. away from this seeming genius that little more could penetrate your short-term memory than “but I was so close I could see his face”. Then afterwards when everyone is talking about it all you can remember is the smell of the person next to you’s shampoo or cologne. How (secretly) you blinked just as he broke out the moon-walk. You’d proclaim how truly awesome it was. When really it just left you begging for more. These aren’t bad things. Its just hard to recognize amazing before it happens.

That’s what it’d be like. I’ve been there. Time and time again.

I get wrapped up in moments, no matter how hard I try to take in the whole bit.
Too much, right? I thought so. You posted this for fun, not for me to over-analyze a simple sentence. Forgive me. Its late and I’m putting off sleep. For whatever reason. Things change (and I dont mean that in a matter of fact kind of way).

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hey, on a more serious note, have fun tomorr- uh.. today. Tonight? Whatever. And know that this will indeed be making a difference. And give Obama a high-five for me.

J. said...

michael leaves me breathless

Anonymous said...

I never thought Pete Wentz would be one to entice himself in Youtube

Anonymous said...

If u thought that woz good u shuda been 2 c 1 of the HIStory world tour shows, where it looked like he came down in the spaceship n shit.
It woz fuckin blindin

Anonymous said...


What would Michael Jackson do?

Anonymous said...

wow pete ur like me, i sit around on youtube all day!

Bear xo said...

i really can't think of a word to describe him, so i guess i'll have to make one.

emjayive(noun)- to sing, dance, and act strange, yet do it with total style, and make it astonishing.

use: he is a total emjayive!

Anonymous said...

MJ is a legend! and he will always be...
but i'm sure that for our children FALL OUT BOY will be a legend)
it would be so cool for me to go to your concert with my children (well i don't have them now, but someday...))) *just dreaming*
go on what you're doing and you'll stay in world of music for ever...and ever...and ever..and ever...
love you) (for me you've already become a legend)

Anonymous said...

I remember the first time I saw this, that was when I knew I had to marry him...

stephanie ariel said...

do you think michael jackson looks for youtube videos of him? granted that he has time?

Anonymous said...

peter lewis kingston wentz i would pay a large sum to watch you try and bust those moves.

is this where guyliner origonated?

Anonymous said...

Michael Jackson was the best thing to happen to the music industry.

Anonymous said...

He is a genius and like everyone know it, the genius is not far from the madness (he became too famous too early that why he is a little strange) but he is the ONE. After his death he will be like Elvis the voice of our memories. He is a legend i hope FAB (especially Pete) will mark is time thanks to his génius as much as MJ.
Must we see in the choice of this article a hidden message for the histeric fans?

Anonymous said...

OK Pete, I'm posting this...and i hope you'll read it.

Everyone is saying you're changing.
Everyone is saying you're changing for the worst. That you're an attention whore, that you don't really care about FOB.
And that's what I thought, too.
Until I read this blog and I realised:
That you've changed, but not as much as people think you have, and that when it comes down to it, you're still the same guy who you were when FOB started.
And I think when people say that you're an asshole, and you're and idiot for dating Ashlee Simpson and blah blah blah...I know they're wrong. Because if you didn't care about us, the fans...why would you be writing this?
Thanks for making me believe in everything I lost faith in.


Miss Crystal said...

....almost as insane as seeing Queen live. It makes me die a littl bit inside when I know neither of them will ever happen.

Past mistakes aside, he is a musical genius. Fact.

Samantha said...

Great singer but a big time creeper. If I could go back in time, to a concert, I'd see him. Oh wait no scratch that; I'd see the mother fucking beatles or jimi hendrix or the who or bob dylan or fucking nirvana.

Anonymous said...

You know the is a bird that moonwalks.

Anonymous said...

Can Patrick do that?

Anonymous said...

wow how do you ever get any work done

Anonymous said...

kinda making me think elvis. it's a leg thing.

kizk said...

I went to michael's concert when "BAD" was released.
He was sooooo far!!(like a dot)but so cooool!!!I often mimicked
When did he change?:(

Anonymous said...

Hey poopie. Yes, this video is epic. I didn't know you were into MJ too. We can have a date here, when my time machine gets back into sync. I'll ring you up when it happens.

Anonymous said...

LOVE this and love the new 25th anniversary thriller album. It leaked out way early according to

R said...

personally i'd rather have been at the '96 brit awards..hahaha

Anonymous said...
you should have one.

rox said...

100th comment yay for me.

anywho as much as i love mj's dance style, it's not 100% original. look at fred astaire, gene kelly, and the Nicholas brothers (who taught mj themselves) and you'll see exactly where mj was influenced.

like the opinions of many mj was not the first to do the moonwalk

ciao hun

Anonymous said...

Damn... Michael will always be a legend. =]
But now I know where Chris Brown copied that whole dance part at the VMAs, before getting into that last song he did. I knew that he was copying Michael, just didn't know it was a whole routine of his that he copied.
Chris is really getting there...
And you know Michael's proud of someone stepping up into his shoes. =] Being that he's gonna do an album or something with him.

Random thought, but Pete!
I dare you to make a video of Fall Out Boy trying to do the moonwalk!
Then post it up!
I DARE you. =] So you must do it.
Maybe I'll give you a cookie or something for it. xD

Anonymous said...

oh man, the high step thing he does going into the chorus for the second time always gets me. so awesome.

melanie said...

I love that song so much. And man that dude can dance.
Out of everything I listen to, Michael Jackson is probably what I get laughed at for the most. Even if he is a total wackjob.. his songs are still incredible. I'd definitely want to see him live if I got the chance <3

Anonymous said...

gabe saporta in a few years.
and if i could say that i was there, i would most likely blow my brains out.
if i could sing like he sang when he was like 10 i would be the happiest person alive.
you've gotta love you some mj.

Anonymous said...

dude, that man was amazing. it sucks that all of this stuff has gone on with him lately.

Anonymous said...

omg he dances and sings for like 5 minutes and doesnt even look tired!!!
but pete i prefer your spins!! michael jacksons moves are a bit freaky looking!!! but still pretty damn awesome!!!
x x x x

pinkbass said...

check it out or don't. i'd like to believe you'd look.


still wandering said...

legend with extremely short pants!

pinkbass said...

check it out or don't. i'd like to believe you'd look.


Anonymous said...

kay this is totally off-topic but heath ledger in shock. this is horrible. he is(was) so talented.
and mj is amazing.

Anonymous said...

dued M.J is thie shit. i mean who couldn`t like him at all he is a great dancer and singer maybe pete can get more fans by dancing on stage a little bit (LOL) but he is already adored by evryone.

Anonymous said...

dued M.J is thie shit. i mean who couldn`t like him at all he is a great dancer and singer maybe pete can get more fans by dancing on stage a little bit (LOL) but he is already adored by evryone.

Unknown said...

How do you feel about Heath Ledger? Were you a fan?

Anonymous said...

wow. he's seriously a legend. I don't think there will ever be another like him. it's unfortunate that he's changed so much since then and is mostly regarded as a creep or something, because he is an amazingly talented singer and performer.

daniwentz said...

noone would dance as he do hahaha NEVER! pete i know ou maybe wont answer but i can't force myself to dont ask if you guys are coomig to monterrey mexico this year?
pleaseee write back :)

Anonymous said...

I dont care what anyone says about michael jackson he was brilliant . His work goes down in history by the same place prince went down. And where would be in this world without his sly moves ? HE practically invented dance.He is one of my music icons .

the fancy kid said...

I watched the movie on the Jacksons this weekend on vh1, I'm going to guess you did too or this is just a weird coincidence. It's four hours long or close to it, I couldn't get myself to turn it off. Say what you want about MJ now but he's still brilliant when it comes to music, always has been.

Anonymous said...

I think MJ is okay. He is like an overused Brittney Spears. People really need to stop harrasing him. Anyway, I have to ask, does Fall Out Boy have a secret obbsession with Michael Jackson? But hey. You guys gave the world it's best cover of Beat It. I really can't complain!

Shannon Midwinter said...

So much of what MJ accomplished has been eclipsed by the complications of his personal life. Fun to feel the crowd's surge of excitement in this video.

Of course, whenever I hear "Billie Jean," I'm transported back to my elementary school class trips to the roller skating rink, where it was the coolest thing *ever* when they installed the video screen so we could watch music videos as we skated. This mostly just led to kids falling down in increasingly spectacular ways.

Damn, I'm old.

Thanks for the memory trip, though. Now I want to go fall down skating to something of yours.

Anonymous said...

the world would be much better if every learned how to moonwalk instead of how to soulja boy.

Anonymous said...

m.j is da bomb

master0fdisaster said...

What's with all the people sitting down...when they swept the camera across I was like "WHAT THE FUCK PEOPLE. YOU'RE AT A CONCERT, SEEING MOTHERFUCKING MICHAEL JACKSON. GET ON YOUR FEET."

And then my mom yelled at's my story for tonight.

alice said...

and that would be one of my favorite songs. ever. very nice.

overrated said...

I think the moral of this song is-- use a condom.

expressionistjane said...

i miss *that* michael jackson. sometimes, i can't watch him now; it's sad, what decades of insane levels of hype and celebrity did to him. or what he did to himself, i don't know.

and lawn-sitting is fine. just be careful not to knock over the plastic flamingos. i'm kind of attached to them.

TreadySoflty said...

you can grind up diet pills and snort them[or just rub them in your eyes and save a trip to the plastic surgeon], but you can't fake talent..

Anonymous said...

I swear back then this man wasnt human. It's like he glides when he dances. it's so crazy. he was/still is a musical genius I wanna know know what happened to that man.

Anonymous said...

Damn it, Pete, you and Travis are dorks.

I love it.

Jennifer said...


I can't leave comments on the other blog, but that was beautiful and sad all at the same time, so I had to say it here, so you'd know someone appreciated your sentiment.

My sister says we should all be greatful he want in his sleep without pain. Shit.

Then answer me this, Pete.

Do you think I would cry as much if something happened to you?

I think so.

So here's love on a somber day, glad to see you're still here, and remember to tell everyone you know you love them.

Hugs and love.

Anonymous said...

pete, don't be afraid. if it's time, it's time. just live everyday without regrets and you'll die pretty damn happy.


p.s. be careful in taking your pills!

Anonymous said...

oh yeah, i forgot to add, WE LOVE YOU PETE. REALLY. :)

Anonymous said...

Hey, Pete I really like that you reach out to people like this. I know your just sharing things that you feel are special to you. I was here the other day when you commented on anothers comment, that you don't read the comments and I gotta say way to put that person in his\her place. You must have a hard time with all those "paps" around, must be pretty tiring, Flashbulbs everywhere you go. Did you experience it to this extent b4 getting together with Ashlee? I also wanted to say thanks for being you, the regular guy who cares about fan. Some artists only care about the money, you, your here sharing with us a slice of your life.
Thanks, JulieC(buzznet)

xoxo/always said...

ohh mj. in.saaane.

there's no way those are human legs... they must be robotic.

melanie said...

This is off topic.. but well I see other people mentioned it here too.

I'm sad about Heath Ledger.
Stuff like this scares me. It's like waking up to someone screaming about how fragile life actually is.

I guess we really all just have to try and live life to the fullest and always let loved ones know how we feel...
And hopefully everyone on medication of any sort is careful and aware of exactly how much they can take and what they can/cant mix...

If anyone can make Jupiter sing, it'd probably be you Pete. Thanks for being around, it's comforting somehow.

Anonymous said...

If he stayed liek this and didnt go werd he would've made so much more money and people may have stayed keen to listen to his work.
It's unfortunate that he made a reputation for himself that makes people think less of him.

It's good to know you search random-ass youtube videos aswell, pan.

Anonymous said...

horror park rat jessica said...
Can Patrick do that?

January 22, 2008 8:42 AM


Anonymous said...

just for the lolz! :)

Anonymous said...

Peter Wentz?
Wow ! I'm from Poland..And I your Big Fan..
Best wishes :*

Anonymous said...

Oh are you reading in my mind? I've been listening to Michael a lot lately. Awesome Thriller and Dangerous full of evergreens :D

Apart from that I'm preaty much depresed. I was never so sad about some celebrities death (maybe apart from the death of Freddie Mercury). I wasn't even a fan of Heath. Still it's really sad. I really feel for his family, esp. his daughter.

Take care and keep away from drugs Pete (pleaseeee :* )

Anonymous said...

I miss this MJ

My mom always forced it into my ears as a child, like many things I grew up listening to (not that i'm old or anything, 14 is childhood still pretty much) but I miss her old tapes and what not, thanks for making me want to find them.

Anonymous said...

and everyone.
Stop talking about overdosing.
I'm sure he got the message already.

and pete, teach patrick to dance like that. just don't have him take lessons from Gabe unless you want him to turn on like that boy.
He's wild, but somehow my mom was like "THAT GABE GUY CAN SHAKE IT" and noone wants to hear that from a 52 year old.

much love.

Anonymous said...

pete: did the clandestine page get hijacked? when you try to access the main page it takes you to a parking page. you can still get to the products pages, but they don't come up as secure pages. (as if you don't have this bookmarked :/

Anonymous said...

wow. How does his tiny body have such big lungs? and his jacket is incredibly sparkly...

Anonymous said...

this brings back memories.

smullaa said...

ahhhhhhh loveee this
it would be insane to be there
oh the olddd days hahaha

Melodramatic Fool said...

not to mention it sounds exactly like the album.
this man has incredible talent.
and i'm totally jealous of his dancing skills.

contorted love said...


in a good way.

be expecting more comments from me. because i like to send pointless rambles when the person who reads them only gets 200 others. you make me feel forgotten.

Anonymous said...

Hey Pete,

I hope you're well. Just wanted to let you know I have a lot of respect for you and FOB, you guys have amazing talent. And since you are so kind to give us insights into your life, here's one into mine.

The Ponca Nation of Oklahoma has one of three oldest pow-wows in the Nation (over 100 yrs!), you should come and check it out sometime if you ever get a chance. It's in BFE Oklahoma though and hot as hell, but the Fancy Dance competition is amazing!

There's some old Ponca songs on the website too. It's crazy to think those songs have been passed down from generation to generation, not talkin a decade or two, but centuries.

Anyway, I'm sad I can't see you perform next week, but FOB will be great as always :)

Later gator

Anonymous said...

To many, Michael Jackson has become a punchline. To true music lovers he is an icon. I was a teenager in the 80's and was in love with MJ; had a "pre-plastic surgery" poster of him on my bedroom wall. Pete, although we are a decade apart in age, I'm glad to see you and others are able to appreciate the god-like talent this man offered the world.

Anonymous said...

michael jackson was/is before my time. sorry if i cant truly understand him. but it would've been kinda cool to see him before...well everyone knows. this is just one topic that i have no usefull knowledge on!!!

P.S? i think the secret to his voice is helium. just saying :-)

Statues In Stilettos said...

wow he is the KING. of the spotlight, moonwalk, one glove look and sparkly things. wish you (and me and everyone else reading this) were there.

Anonymous said...

Not as awesome as it would have been to be here:

Anonymous said...

this is what i have to live through every day.... it's related to this....


Unknown said...

I miss him before he was a creepy pedophile. =/
I sitll think he was abducted by aliens.

I guess it comes down to the artist vs. the person.
As an artist: he's fuckin number one.
A person: ehhhhhh.

Billy Jean is still one of the best fucking videos of the 80s. . .ever. Nottom line homes. And Thriller is seriously number uno.

Anonymous said...

Crossing my fingers and hoping for next week, Petepete.

Is your foot ready to play ball?

Also....Moscow. :O Wow. What.

Anonymous said...

I know this is not the correct blog to be typing this...however, it was too ironic not to share! I was listening to "Highway to the Danger Zone" (don't laugh) when I pulled up your alternate blog. Lo and behold, your last entry was about Top Gun! It took me a hot minute to realize what I was listening to and what I was reading about, and ultimately, to make the connection. Insane!

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the movie.

"How would you like to spend the next several nights wondering if your crazy, out-of-work, bum uncle will shave your head while you sleep? See you in the car."

Anonymous said...

god i wish i was there.
i hope the rumors of him doing a tour soon are true, hope he comes to australia!

expressionistjane said...

it is crazy, but you should still totally watch top gun. especially the scene in the locker room at the end; it's like the script is hanging from the ceiling or something, the way everybody keeps looking up between saying their lines. cracktastic.

Anonymous said...

To Alexis's Comment:
"As a Person..ehhh"

You know Michael Jackson personally? Or just what the media has projected him to be? These are the judgements that ruin stars careers/lives.

Anonymous said...

Well, if we're wishing to go back in time and visit shows. I want live at the Roxy, 1977 for the first 100 days it was open. Just so I can be center stage to see the Damnned, the Slits, and the Police. I'd probably have to have some sort of orgy off stage with the Slits, though. They were almost as good looking as Patti Smith.

Anonymous said...

man I love michael jackson! ahh those memories when I was little listening to him on the radio.

Anonymous said...


Annalie Sunshine said...

i read the biography of Michael Jackson: The Magic and the Madness by J.Randy Taraborelli and apparently for this performance he was lipsynching...not that that matters right here coz he is definitely an amazing dancer and performer

MJ rules!

Anonymous said...

great song!