i cant lie. this dude gives me goosebumps. everyone who makes a donation and gets a ticket to the fundraiser will get this limited edition clandestine/obama shirt.
official info: Chicago (January 14, 2008) – Inspired by Barack Obama’s compelling message of change, Pete Wentz is lending his support to the Obama campaign by hosting a low-dollar fundraiser. On January 22nd, Wentz will fly to his (and Barack’s) hometown to host a fundraiser.
“I’ve been an Obama supporter from day one,” says Wentz. “After watching the New Hampshire primary, I couldn’t just be an observer anymore – I had to act. Barack is the first politician who’s ever made me feel like our voices actually matter.”
Join Pete Wentz, special guest speaker Sara Feigenholtz (Illinois 12th District State Representative) and supporters from around Chicago.
About The Event
When: Tuesday, January 22nd from 7pm – 9pm
Where: Lakeview Broadcasting Co.
3542 N. Halsted (steps north of Halsted & Addison)
What: Low-dollar fundraiser. $75 contribution to Obama for America.
get tickets at obamas official site:
That is really cool, good job Pete. :)
First comment. whoop whoop.
Same.... I've been an Obama supporter since he began his campigne (sp?) too It's really cool to see the people I look up to supporting another person I look up to... If that makes sense. I've been trying to get my parents to support him too. It's working a bit. I wish I lived in Chicago.... It would have been a specaular experience for me. I hope you have fun though. I love the Clandestine/Obama art by the way.
Nice job :] I think it's cool that you get involved in things that you believe in...Not many people are willing to do that.
He seems like one of the best people running...I really don't want hilary clinton even if i am for girl power...
But cool peter...to bad i'm in cali...and deffenitly not old enough to vote...next time around...
eh i think this is weird.
maybe because i'm not governmental.
Great job Pete,
Good luck with everything
Love ya
when i went to the clan store, the two guys working in there told me about this. their so fucking cute :] thanks for doing this, hes honestly the only person who would do good in the white house. its pretty obvious that hilary and any republican arnt going to get much farther than bush..
This is awes.
I'm teaching my students (and myself!) all about this election. Obama is my favorite, I have to admit, and every time I see him on the cover of a mag or newspaper I have to get it. This is the first time in history that a Black man has a truly viable shot at the presidency judging from his win in Iowa, a 95% White state. He doesn't seem like a puppet politician. He has something to say and he isn't afraid to reveal his human foibles nor walk the high road. Plus I find his stand lesbian/gay rights palatable. Perhaps not ideal, but definitely palatable. Thank you, Pete.
it's cool that you feel so strongly about this. i'm not sure what i'm gonna do when elections come around. I'll be 18 by then but, i've always had politics and religion shoved down my throat and now i don't even know what i believe. but if you support Obama he can't be all bad right? i'll have to look into it.
It's always so great to put what you support out there and giving information on it, I live in Australia and I am always interested in what is going on in the US, I have been paying attention to the Clinton/Obama stuff and I have to say I agree with you, he seems to be very genuine and a good leader. Good on you for continuing to show support for such great things. All you need to do now is encourage more people to vote.
i'm a really political person, so i'm really happy when i see people i like to hear from are political too. you and i may not agree politcally, but i'm glad to see you speaking up.
i'll see you in chicago!
It's nice to see your views on the world. Glad you stick up for what you believe in. You should run for president.
Peter for President..
i mean seriously who wouldnt vote?
You can quit. being. cool. anytime.
Obama will change everything. Didn't know you gave two shits about political canidates or there postitions, but then again, this man makes you realize you need to be involved if you weren't before.
Won't be able to come, would love to, but I'll pass it on at work and to the friends, help spread the word.
Have a good night man, kiss Hemingway goodnight and try to get some sleep for once.
I've supported obama since this summer. i met him, he called my friends sister cute... (shes a bi**h) i really want that shirt so i can annoy my friend who likes hillary (ugh!)
something just doesn't sit well with me about obama...im definitely leaning towards fred thompson...nice guy, met him when he went to pensacola, fl. his wife is a sweetheart, too. it's nice to see people get behind a cause they believe in, though. i like the shirt design, either way.
thats awesome... too bad i cant :(
i really would if i was old enough though... almost... lol.
its great that your so involved though... not just another airhead ego-tastic celebrity. see... i told everyone u werent a sell out :)
I've liked Obama since before he decided to run for president. I truely think that he's a great man and, when elected, will be able to do great things.
I'm really excited that this if the first year that I'm able to vote. As soon as I heard that Obama was running, I knew who I wanted to vote for.
that sounds so cool!!! great job!!
I'm rooting for someone else, but it's really good to see you choosing and supporting a candidate. I'd been hoping you would speak out more then just occasional interview comments.
I've been supporting Obama since the beginning as well. He's the only person who sticks out and seems like he actually wants to do something, instead of just saying it.
Also, I'm kinda frustrated how pretty much everything you do is either in Cali or Chi-town. I would donate, and I'm not gonna lie, thats a pretty sweet shirt, so now i really want it, hah...but I'm in Florida.
Question: which you won't answer, but maybe a fan'll figure it out...if I don't end up showing for the event will I still get the shirt?
I wanna go, but I may be unable to last minute.
alright. agreed.
i was gonna finally register to vote this year anyway.
thanks for giving me the final push
(One last annoying comment)
For all the college students away from home make sure to get your absentee ballot forms asap.
i live in new hampshire! i was SOO pissed that Obama didn't win! at our high school we did a mock primary vote. hilary got second with 10% and obama got 1st with 73%. it was insane. u should have come to NH!! it would have been so cool. wish i lived in chicago so i could go to the fundraiser.
You have totally earned more kudo points in my book Mr. Wentz. I've supported him for a very long time now and when I heard he was a candidate my heart lept. I've quietly followed his political career and I've loved him since the first time I hear him speak. It's totally awesome of you to get involved like this, especially to support such a brillant man. FYI... I totally want the shirt! :D
Yeah, we were talking about that the other day, Obama is the only candidate that sounds like he's actually excited about the whole experience. You can feel the energy in his words and almost want to get caught up in it.
That's awesome!! If it wasn't on a tuesday and i wasn't at school i would definately go!! I've been following Obama's career for awhile, met him when i was in high school. Muy simpatico!
Hey, nice job pete. But yo, I go to LBC all the time, pretty darn small in there... is going to hold enough folks for this event? Eh, it'll be a small intimate setting I suppose...
"Let him think I am more man than I am and I will be so."
- Ernest Hemingway
I went to one of Obama's rallies in Boston, and its the first time I was ever grabbed by politics. It was unreal. I read somewhere, paraphrased, that Obama unites while the other canidates divide. Sehr cool that you're doing this.
completely ridiculous
I may have done a dorky little chair dance of joy at this post.
You can't prove it, though. :)
Woah, when you talk big, Wentz, you talk big. I can already see this being one of the bigger waves of the 'Youthquake.'
Glad to know you how you feel about this, and to see the stance you're taking. :D
Time might change me
But I cant trace time.
Oh, look out, you rock 'n rollers!
this is great. its nice to see celebrities take interest into more things than just the hottest fashion designers and the most expensive cars on the lot and other superficial things. awesome shirt too by the way! i would love to just pack up and move to chicago just so i could be a part of all of the awesome things that happen around there! good luck with everything
Wow.that's my birthday.
On a more important note.
I think that it's so important.
It's crazy sometimes..this world we live in.
Hopefully he makes great changes.
I have heard good things about Obama.
And it's awesome that Pete feels he needs to be a part of something else positive.
One reason why I wouldn't vote for him is because in everything that I have read about him(in political terms) it tells that he wants to ban same sex marriage and just stop it in all aspects. I don't see how that would be helping our country. I guess I can't really be talking because I'm completely clueless to everything else that he may be doing but I still think that people should be able to choose who they marry no matter what sex. I really do think that people under 18 nshould be able to vote. They are going to have to deal with the decisions that the adults make and the long term consiquences
Obama isnt who he says he is.
he's a smooth talker. kinda like how the bad boys always get the good girls. read between the lines, do your research, don't fall for the scripts...or at least realize that's what they are.
he's better than the worst, but not quite the best.
dig deep, I know politics are dirty but there is something not quite so organic about this dude. I'm not hating, all I'm saying is, connect the dots.
This is really hard, because you don't have comments on your other spot enabled.
Don't let it bother you, Pete. It's some silly drama. Someone doesn't want to feel cornered or belittled or brainwashed or anything. But hell, the excuses they make and the dull point they're trying to push is just the same manifesto... I too believe that voting out of ignorance or popularity or association is a waste and a possible abuse but you know what? I'm not about to start screaming that I'm dancing to the beat because of the barrel down my throat. :D
So your bandwagon isn't what someone else finds cool. So. What. They can give their lip, but they need to show their worth. Then I'll take them seriously. I just thank my lucky stars I'm not the only one interested in change.
Where it all really matters is not in some silly bickering on an lj community or in anonymous comments denouncing your choice--it's when everyone else realizes that sitting around bitching about a celebrity using their resources to make a good difference and downplaying it as any other drabble about politics: something that isn't worth reading, and if they have found it to be so, it's only more-so worthy of a lippy comment about it. Let them have it and let them move along.
And if they read it and disagree, that's alright. Using extreme examples in why they disagree is moot and unnecessary and childish.
So they don't like Obama. That's why we have elections to begin with! :D
Peteypete. Don't worry. This is going to have a serious effect. I can already see it happening by the way we commenters are reacting about it all.
If we can keep this fervor through until the big day, get involved, get out there and get others involved and engage thoughts and ideas and talk of change then we just might get somewhere.
Not just as supporters of Barack, but possibly as a nation.
We are the future and this is our chance.
I'm ready for it, and I've already said how glad it makes me to know you are, too.
ehh...he's ok. my vote will go for clinton, and I really hope she wins.
I like that you're getting kids into the election though, I just hope they really do it for the right reasons and do their own research, not just support obama because pete does. haha
ANYTHING beats huckabee though!!
I really must say: Well Done. Having just finished reading your other post regarding the same, I felt compelled to respond. I do not generally share your political views, but I appreciate your ability to support a candidate without roaring and spitting barbs. I think you realize how much power you do indeed have in influencing young minds and I appreciate your discretion in using it. My background is in PolSci so I am prepared for a tussle (sans the raised voices and name calling), but many young people aren’t—and can easily be mislead for reasons not “good enough”, or worse, silenced because someone talks louder than they. Opinions turn to be poignant when spoken [written] in solid, unexaggerated tones and language. I could be interpreting your messages in softer tones than they were meant, but assuming I am correct, thank you for being a much respected difference: not only to those who do not directly share your views, but most importantly for those who have yet to make up their minds.
It'd be nice if you actually said WHAT it was about Obama you liked, besides that you thought he could create change. Seriously, what positions of his, what actual policy statements that he's made have made you want to support him? I liked Obama until I realized he never says anything. Yes, he makes amazing speeches, but 20 minutes later I realize he doesn't SAY anything. I watch CSpan frequently, and came away knowing that Hillary was the best choice for me. And that's because of her positions and what she wants to do when she's in office. I'm talking SPECIFICS. It's unfortunate people are trying to act like NH was a bad thing, or a fluke based on emotion. Maybe it was because she got out there and held open forums where she answered real questions? That's what swung me. My primary isn't until Super Tuesday, but until then, because of your superficial endorsement (and let's be honest, unless you give specifics, this all seems a little "I'm going to endorse the 'cool' candidate," which isn't any better than voting for someone because they "cried"), I'm going to volunteer for Hillary and help people learn more about her positions.
Also, the reason I liked yall was because you had ISSUES that you supported and tried to educate your fans about. I wish you'd stick to that, it's a lot less alienating than saying one candidate is better than the rest. It'd be nice to let your fans, who are often pretty young, decide for themselves who would best represent them.
now i see why this dude didn't allow comments before - damn. anyways, i am kinda blown away by the fact that Wentz is backing Obama. he was my pick from day one. ask any fucking soul who's been around me. he's not just a suit. he's got a voice for real americans. kudos Pete.
for anonymous haters read what pete wrote about why he supports obama over at nohartandsole.blogspot.com
"i thought that the lesser of two evils didn't mean much until bush arrived in office."
pete, i totally agree with this. and thank you for finally voicing out your support for Obama. i think he's the best choice too. good to know you're using your fame for something that's really important. :)
Hey Pete, I don't know if you'll read this message since it's towards the bottom of the page, but I want to let you know how happy it makes me that you support Obama. I honestly believe that he's the right man for the presidency of the United States, and I've been supporting him since 2006.
As a Political Science major, I make it a point to keep up with the election as much as possible, and Obama is the only candidate that I can give my whole heart to. I'm glad that you have done the same! Tear the place up and get the Obama supporters fired up!
Dorotea MacDhonncaidh :D
At the anonymous kid who said to check out Pete's other blog: I DID check it out before posting my long post at 11:19. All he says is that Obama is "electable and exciting." Not really something you can run a campaign on.
Finally putting political science major to use, Pete? Regardless of political stance this is a very admirable thing to do.
Totally unrelated, but Bowie was a master.
In response to a previous post that cost isn't just for the t-shirt, it's also access to the chicago event and a contribution to Obama.
Obama all the way.
He's got my vote for sure.
If only I wasn't already back at school, i would totally go.
As for Obama's issues and everyone elses. I go here first.
This isn't some rep, I just know how hard all this is to understand and decipher. This sites helped me.
p.s. for people saying this is sorta starting a commotion, I think it's amazing whether or not it's bickering to hear fans talking about more.
Oh one last thing, I know how everyone loves ONTD for the great gossip, but they have ONTDPolitics aswell.
I really don't like Obama but I really like how you're getting involved in something you believe in. It's nice that someone in the spotlight is raising awareness of this issue.
Good job Pete and have fun!
Pete, I'm honestly disappointed. You should know better.
YEAH PETE! WOO! my whole family supports obama too. personally, politics scare the hell out of me. it scares me that sometimes they're just telling you what you want to hear, and all the bipartisanship...yikes. but obama seems really genuine. I trust him.
this is a really cool idea. I'm proud to know that you're doing everything you can to inspire positive change, and doing so in your own special, awesome, wentz-ified way. congratulations. :) good luck with the fundraiser. you're my hero.
meh i dont belive in celeb. endorsing canidates
i love that your not afraid to speak your mind. when i read your blog, it feels like your not "pete wentz of fall out boy", but just pete, a guy that's tre tre cool :] dont contradict, you know its true :)
sorry i cant go. have fun sweetie, and all who are going :]
Obam has a lot off great ideas. He gently offers free tea and cakes to all Americans, all the free stuff that won't cost us anything (unless you're a taxpayer). Don't lose track of the fact Obama is only a few short years removed from taking orders in Springfield, in the Illinois State Senate. Not exactly the least corrupt place.
love the idea hate the politician . . . . so far i hate all politicians . All i have to say is im moving to australia if hilary gets elected . Bill would be the first gentleman ha that does not fit him at all !
I DEFINATLY want Obama to win!
Its great that finally there is being some equal treatment/ fairness in this world.
I absolutely HATE racism... alot of my friends parents are and it makes me angry.
Ohh ya and PETE if u ran for president i would DEFINATLY vote for u!!
Awesome guys = perfect team!
Odd, I saw you as more of an Edwards man.
Barack has the eyed wided optimism of JFK, but I'm not quite sure he was the experience necessary to stay strong and withstand the pressures and demands that will be thrown at him.
Congratulations for opening the eyes of your young fans to politics, even though it seems as if most are more concerned about your looks than your political passion.
yay! A T-shirt! Woohoo!
I'm going to vote Obama 'cause Pete gave me a t-shirt. That sounds about right. This is soooo cool! Let's all go and vote for someone with pretty much 0 experience and even less of a concrete platform because hey, it's hip, it's cool, darn I mean, he DID snort yay! Such a groovy dude. And check it: he's black! I'm sooo progressive. Wow! so yeah he'll have to deal with 9 trillion dollars of national debt, an endless war in Iraq and a credit bomb of which the subprimes are only the tip of the iceberg, but hey I'm sure that with his vast experience, things will turn out just nifty!
PS:OMG, Pete you are my hero. I LOOOOOOVE your hair!
For all the cynics, ya know what no one is gonna magically change things. 90% of what any candidate promises won't happen. It's reality and yeah it sucks, but we've gotta go one step at a time. Sure others have more experience, but I actually think that has little to do with being President.
Will I vote for him, depends on if a good green candidate steps up, but compared to Hillary heck yeah. For whoever said something about bashing other candidates, that's whats so great about free speech and all that stuff. We can't threaten the president or yell out 'fire' when we so please, but we can always bad mouth others :D
(and a little aww for poor Kucinich, I liked him and for the perv in me I wanted his wife as first lady...)
@Cherylstweedy: Experience counts for ALOT when you're, you know, running the COUNTRY. These guys aren't applying for some entry level job here.
Also, everyone that's so enamored of people's personalities or likability, remember, Bush was considered IMMENSELY likable when he was running for office. Perhaps it's not so important that we want to hang out with our future president and instead that they're experienced and prepared to be office? Eh? Just a suggestion...
I think quite the opposite.
The President signs some papers (vetoes everything of importance of course), suggests things which most often his advisor's advise against and reads off speeches other people write for him. Nowadays all he has to do is be a decent speaker and a great 'bs'er.
We rarely know until the person is in office how things will turn out, how they'll end up. The most left or right candidate often ends up almost neutral, or avoiding making all and any decisions. It sucks but so does everything else.
@Cherylstweedy: Who picked the people writing those speeches? Who fires them when things go wrong? Who ok'd the initial staff surrounding the president? Who is the one talking with foreign leaders on a person to person basis? Hmmm, perhaps... the president?!
With more experience would they pick better people to surround themselves with? Would the better staff go to the person with more experience? Also, our country is pretty screwed up right now, and I don't want to chance it on someone who has not attended important votes, does not have enough experience, and has made worrying statements regarding foreign policy (coughPakistancough).
You know what ACTUALLY sucks though? That people might just not vote at all. That they're not educating themselves and realizing the damage that could happen in another four (or eight) years if they don't vote. As much as I support Hillary, I'm voting Dem no matter what. But there are people out there that, after all the "bashing," would decide it's not worth it if it wasn't their SPECIFIC candidate. If celebs want to make a difference, they should use their influence to educate instead of rack up campaign contributions, urge their fans to learn about ISSUES, and to know that what counts in the LONG RUN is to vote.
I think that's something that's lacking here. Pete said he liked Obama, not specific issues. So what happens if Obama doesn't get the nomination?
Pete you rock! Some celebs stay quiet about politics--we need more young people speaking loud and proud. So thank you! -jane
(Before the blah I say I do agree that more needs to be said about voting in general, but I see nothing wrong in him saying who he supports and suggesting people also support him...)[I'm exhausted from exams so I hope this makes sense]
I just am too cynical in such a different way then you. (Assuming off your post you're somewhat cynical)
The people who pick those people are the party people pressuring the president. You see it all the time. Yes I know in the end it's the President's decision, but how often do you see the president go against his party's push. Being a president is a lot about memorization and knowing what to spout even when meeting other world wide leaders.
"Deal with al Qaeda on Pakistan border, but not with nukes. (Aug 2007)
Get al Qaeda hiding in hills between Afghanistan & Pakistan. (Aug 2007)
Military action in Pakistan if we have actionable intel. (Aug 2007) "
Do I agree with that not so much, but that's one thing. I know there will never be a candidate I agree with 100%. I tend to vote green, but I'm feeling the pressure and when the day comes to vote I don't know if I'll pick to vote for a strong green candidate or an ok democrat.
As for people not voting, even if Pete pressured people to vote in general it'd be like 'vote or die' or any campaign. For someone like me I see that in what he's saying, but some fans don't understand that I know. They just see Pete says Obama so I'll vote Obama, but I see what you say, what if he doesn't make it? All I can hope is Pete steps forward if something like that happens and asks people to still vote or he chooses to support another candidate.
I'd rather fans be making these financial contributions then 'big business', talk about corrupt campaign financing.
One of things I love about you Pete, is that you care about more than just... whatever. You get involved with these important things and you spread the word. Fans all over the world learn and get interested about things they might never have thought about before.
Some people say "celebs backing a certain politician just turn elections into a popularity contest"
Hello, that's basically what an election is. I don't get why people would have a problem with stuff like this. All the power to you, Pete.
And I agree with what you said about changing the electoral collage. It doesn't seem to make much sense, but maybe that's 'cause I'm used to the way things are here in Europe..
I'm old enough to have lived through the end of Nixon, Ford,Carter, Reagan twice, Bush, Clinton twice and now G Dubya twice. He can't get out of there fast enough. Our country is in such a state of emergency that this election is so important. I'm glad that given who you are and where you stand with so many young Americans that you're creating awareness. Kids might not care about health care, social security, and pro choice now, but someday will. Someday they are going to have families, that need health care. Someday they are going to need the social security they've been paying into, and nobody should be told what to do with their bodies. Not to mention no one should be told whom they love is less valid because they are the same sex. People need to do the research and find the candidate that supports the issues they are concerned about. Please don't let up on this issue. Please blog your bat shaped heart, out about this. Please make these kids understand that VOTING is important. Someday, we'll all be glad you did.
YES i love barack!
noooooooooo....come on, don't you think that someone like dennis kucinich would be better for office! you should give your voice to someone who really needs it!
wow. I love ya pete but I'm against obama. It explains why in my blog but yeah it's still good your willing to act. I just hope people don't vote for him JUST because you like him, people like that are idiots.
Personally I am a Clinton supporter but even though I don't agree with you it's so refreshing to see that someone who can make a different is taking a stand for what they believe in. Well done. Christie
I like you Courtney ha ha
I really love Kuchinich, but he knows he has no chance by now, I mean he's said it. Another good one bites the dust.
Yay Obama. He seems like the best candidate- I'm not much of a Hilary fan. I'd be OK with Edwards too, but Obama is more likely to win.
Peter, I seriously could not be happier that you're backing Obama 100%. I've been interested in what that man has to say since last March. My psychology teacher and I got into a conversation about how Obama has some big ideas that could really change the world. I want one of those shirts like no motha fucka I know. If Obama doesn't win, I think I'm moving to Canada.
"Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country." - JFK (Well, if that isn't ironic, I don't know what is.)
These things aren't impossible, and your voice always counts.
Some bedtime reading for you now that we're on the subject of politics (thank my friend Mr Block, professor of Poli Sci at De Paul for that). I've been politically active for years, it's not really that hard, you just have to pick your battles. Is this yours? If so good luck, Australia elected a Labour government, you never know, America might get one too.
this is what i said 15 posts ago,
Honestly, something about Obama rubs me the wrong way. I think, as Americans we should go back to traditional family values and not just go for the most charismatic person to run everything. We have so very few untainted politicians like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson these days. But, I respect your view on the matter, Pete. It's just not someone i'm going to support.
the interesting thing will be whether or not obama can withstand a republican attack- leftcoaster had an interesting article about this. he's the media's candiate of choice at the moment, so he's not really having to take many blows. we'll see. really proud to see you doing something progressive with your career outside of hollywood, pete, it feels like it's been forever.
XP I don't like obama...but my opinion doesnt count, but woot for you pete
wow. a black and a woman running for president. thats amazing. its cool to be living in the making history like this. i dunno, kinda hard to explain. but this is a first in american history...and it is great to be a part of it. anyways. peter, if you even read these, stay away from the computer for awhile. this is not good for your back or your eyes buddy. and i would know. i am constantly on the computer. my mom is always trying to get me off of it. okay this is longer than i wanted it to be. just get some sleep okay?..and mabey some fresh air (: i am worried about you. we all are. <3
Damn it! I started singing this song. I am really really afraid that i even know it...
yeah. I wish i could go to chicago. But no, im stuck here in this gay-ass racist town who would(/will) shit themselves if(/when) obauma won(/wins). I think you should come here just to see what they do. Haha.
[TheresALightOnInChicago, AndIKnowIShouldBe[Motherfucking]home.]
I'm suprised at how politically active I am. I've been supporting Obama since the start. He takes the best interests for me. Now I'm trying to get my parents to get politically active. Hillary can take it too but I rather Obama did. Thank you Pete for being outspoken about what you believe in.
Enjoy yourself.
I can't really make a smart ass comment about this, because I think it's a great idea.
I'm gonna even try here since no one seems to know...ps don't laugh does lbc have like a coat check. It is a club/restaraunt/lounge. I'm picturing myself with my heavy jacket and big ass purse trying to move round and since I'm traveling by bus I can't leave it in a car.
yah someone said they thought they did...anyways get ready pete I have a print out of things having to do with obama and the election that if I have the balls I'll debate/question you on...
I watched the Democratic Debate last night and every time that brilliant man opend his mouth to speak, I couldn't help but listen. It's painful to know that his fellow senators have to rely on twisting his words in order to be heard. Actually, it's pretty annoying. Point being, it be nice to have someone who's fighting for a change in the office.
Are these shirts going up on the site? I know you can get one if you make a donation but I don't know if I'm going to have money in time to do that. I've been for Obama since last winter and I'm excited to see that he's come this far. I really hope that people my age (20 years) start paying attention to what's going on around them. There are far too many people deciding not to vote even though they have the privilege and that needs to cease. For once we have a chance to see some huge changes made in our society but people are too busy thinking their vote won't count. Well, it won't if you don't do anything about it. If anyone reads this and they're old enough to vote but feel like there's no point, please, rethink your decision and know that your voice can be heard if you scream loud enough. I think it's time to shake it up and start a riot for change in the polls. If we just step back and let no one but the elders of our nation vote, our future is screwed. Obama's the man that we need to help us make our voices heard.
End rant.
“I’ve been a Paul supporter from day one,” says Wentz. “After watching the New Hampshire primary, I couldn’t just be an observer anymore – I had to act. Ron is the first politician who’s ever made me feel likHOPE FOR AMERICA"
This is quite an awful thing for you to do to the youth. Nobody knows how to think for themselves anymore. And all those children who love you, and have no idea what the hell is going on in America, they will see who you are voting for and shrug their shoulder, joining you. I'm sure you'd accomplish Obama in office, except for the fact half of your fans are underage and the other half have their own political views. But I am sure you have swayed a few 19 year olds.
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