Monday, January 21, 2008

if this shit played mp3s and worked with i-tunes

you wouldnt be laughing so hard, right?


Anonymous said...

very nice.. lol gotta love that!

Anonymous said...

thats intense.
i wish it worked with itunes haha.

i miss you
you make me happy
and ive been lacking in that department lately.
frig i need you dude.
im dying here.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

haha id wear em

Anonymous said...

thts insane...but kinda weird

Anonymous said...

lol, no I would. Hahahaha.
I would like to see you wear those, then I wouldn't be laughing.

Hey, happy MLKJ day. =D


Niki said...

i'd still be laughing pretty damn hard.
why do you need music in your shoes?
you'd have to bend down to hear them O_o

Anonymous said...

you are awesome.
i hope you're doing okay because you make so many people happy, mr. wentz.


kellyana said...

The are pretty funky looking... not too sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing yet!

Anonymous said...


i'll be repeptitive and say you make me really happy.

Anonymous said...


I seriously want that.

Anonymous said...

The anti-shock must be insane!

- Heather :)

Unknown said...

wow. i seriously need that so i can listen to fob all day long in school!
just change the style (like converses) and it would be just right....

Anonymous said...

haha, I'm trying to figure out how you would listen to music with it. Imagine the scenario: Walking down the street and music is blaring out of your feet and everyone is looking at the ground wondering where it's coming from.
ahhh, today was a horrible day,
this almost made up for it :)

Melanie said...

Zomg, those are hardcore.

I would really hate to go running through a puddle in those things.


hilary said...

HA amazing !!
by the way: watch 'the last king of scotland' if you haven't already. so fabulous. if you watch it let me know what you think. but those shoes are hella rad. speakers are so hardcore.

TurnUpTheMusicc said...

ahahaha. if u turned the bass was up. u could prolly feel ur feet vibrate. AHAHHA. i WISH it worked with itunes. i would STILL laugh.

Just A Girl with Ideas said...

wait, you actually wear these things on you feet?

Anonymous said...

i'd wear them anyway.
god knows i need a new pair of shoes.
but anything with random technology makes me happy.
and it's called nike+ipod. blah.

Anonymous said...

trust me. i'd still be laughing as hard.

Anonymous said...

You read me like a book.

Oh, my sides hurt.

limbic mom said...

The only thing sweeter would be to be able to plug my guitar into them! Now that would be the shit!

Anonymous said...

thats amazing. but not my style(=

sour baby bottle girl said...

those ar e fucking sweet.

Anonymous said...

i would be the coolest one at the gym..

Anonymous said...

Andy would so wear these

Anonymous said...

lol, cheryl!

Anonymous said...

i would want those. haha

Stacy said...

There are no words to describe my thoughts on these... LOL

But I could totally see you wearing these Pete.

grey.skies.dark.lies said...

LOLLL!! that's so cool!

RileyNinja said...

no. i'd probably still be laughing this hard. =] <3

yo petey.
you should read my latest entry.
and come to wilmette March 17th-22nd. =]

Anonymous said...

thats freakishly insane.

:) said...

i could see gabe wearing those shoes, most definitely.

Anonymous said...

those are awesome!!!

just another romantic said...

those are cool

Chantelle said...

First giggle of the day- awesome.

Wouldn't it make more sense to have all that gear in a beanie though? Or a hoodie. That would be marketable. And closer to your ears.

Anonymous said...

thats silly... how would u run in those things?

u could like break em and then get electricuted or something


Anonymous said...

That would be fucking amazing if it could use itunes and ipods.
I'd be listening more than I'd be walking.
Whoever came up with something like that was a genius or extremely bored.

Anonymous said...

Thats to much <3

Anonymous said...

that's crazily cool . . .
are you home ?

19Annie88 said...

Actually I'd still laughing pretty hard, lol

Anonymous said...

umm that's stupid. lol

me said...

I had two thoughts when I saw this:

1) how customizable is the EQ?

2) can you imagine taking these back in time to 1987 or something? You'd be the most bitchin' or radical kid in town =]

Anonymous said...

How sweet is that?

I'd probably end up smashing the CD inside them.

Anonymous said...

what the fuck?
thats so cool!

Anonymous said...

oh wow. just imagine the commercial for that.

Anonymous said...

We wouldn't laugh, because it wouldn't be skipping. Or we wouldn't crunch the CD _everytime_ we make a step.

Anonymous said...

That's some pretty insane technology right there. How would they manage to keep the CD from skipping with all of the running/walking/jumping and stuff?

I totally see Nike inventing an mp3 version of that.

Anonymous said...

just imagine if your dog got through to that shit...

Anonymous said...


meganharris. said...

this is what apple is probably coming out with next haha.
it would be kind of annoying though lol.

Anonymous said...

Dudddddde. I want a pair of those!

I miss you, Pete. And I think I'm speaking for a lot of people. Be a big part of my life again. I've got a lot of things going on in my family right now, and seeing you being active with everything makes me feel 1000 times better.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, I need about 10 pairs of those for me and my friends (:

Miss you, Pete. Hang tight. Glad seeing you involved with us again (:

Anonymous said...

hahaha nice! id wear it, but i prefer to high-heel ;]

Pixi-sticks said...

The amount of music playing deivces today are insane...

Whatever happened to walkmans or the little casete player complete with a kareoke mic i had when i was younger...that thing was rad...

And with i-pods all the models are obsolete after 2 months and they cost like a lotttt more each version...


xwendyxdarlingx said...

lol, those are ridiculous

Jamie said...

Holy Crap! Those are insane!
I am actually laughing...
After my eyeballs bulged out of my head...
'Cause I'm just that cool. =)

Cee Jay said...

Playing your own theme music as you walk down the street is an easy reality to achieve with those. I don't know, though. Show me some kicks that play cassettes like an old school ghettoblaster and maybe we'd really be in business.

Anyway, you might've seen these, but I was on Montega's Fury tonight, and the paragraphs explaining the shirts alone make me want them. I was eying the hoodie pretty tough, but (ironically?) it's out of my budget.

Anonymous said...

lol that would be insane! in like the 2nd grade i wrote an entire story about shoes that played music and enabled me to time travel....heaps cool coz i got the principal's award for pursuit of academic excellence.....LOL. you totally needed to hear that. XO

Anonymous said...

thought you might like to see these, if you haven't already.

or for something you can wear.

sorry, i don't know how to make links.

Anonymous said...


I've figured it out. Patrick is the cheese to my macaroni.

Andy might be the homemade marinara; Joe the chicken and Alfredo; and you might be the butter, lemon juice, and herbs.

But Patrick's the cheese.

That's it. That's totally it.

And now I want some pasta.

...Damn it.

Anonymous said...

that's like; the essence of all it needs is a hat, and a prince record rotating in the dicoport..

Anonymous said...

could you imagine if those shoes were like the amps???
So like actual "rocker boots" whoa that'd be cool like you wouldnt need to haul amps to all your shows and stuff--you'd just have your shoes!!
like ur instruments wirelessly hooked up to your shoes...whoa.
XO (on FOE) KristaFromSydney....ive already commented on this but im just an.."anonymous". lol

Bear xo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bear xo said...

pfft, i just tried to leave a comment but it didn't recognise my password, your just lucky that i hav nothing better to do.

well, i had a couple of thoughts about the shoe

firstly, considering the size of the cd (guessing it is a normal cd), the ratio of shoe to cd is quite large, so thats one big foot!

second, if it had strong bass, you'd continually, and literally, be shaking in your boots.

and last, iid change one little thing on the shoes. you know those things that hav a message on them in the little LED lights? well, i'd put a little one on the velcro strap, so it displays the song name for all to see.

i really do put too much thought into everything. pfft, story of my life.

Sarah xo

KatieBug said...

wouldnt it skip if you tried to run?? that could be annoying. but a cool idea i suppose.

Anonymous said...

yeah I probably would be laughing cause you can just imagine someone bending down just to hear the music.

Anonymous said...

That would skip so bad.

Miss Crystal said...

Would the music play louder the faster you walked? Cos that would be cool...

Anonymous said...

hahah, that is so sick bro.
i want that shoe, thats totally awesome

Samantha said...

thats gatta have majoorrr skiping

kizk said...

That position...maybe CD is broken into

MysticMemory said...

i bet you (uh something that's what you want) they will come out with the mp3/itunes shoes with headphones that roll up like a yo yo then you work the headphones way up to your ears.
i don't know something like that. :]

Anonymous said...

I would love to get inside th mind of whoever thinks of this crap =]
Kinda pointless
Always funny =]

Anonymous said...

Is that a serious sneaker? Wtf, Peter?

...This is so you. Kinda reminds me of these shoes I had in 6th grade with this microchip in them kinda like the Nike Shox, but like...childish. Damnit. I was cracking up at this thing for awhile. I don't think anyone around me finds this quite as funny. This is ridiculous.

rox said...

are those waterproof? it must have to use wireless headphones.

meh, they're not my cup of tea, so i'll continue to laugh.

louisebotting945 said...

dude that thing is sick

Anonymous said...

Bwahaha that's amazing, man!
Who cares if it isn't something to play MP3s with?...
CDs and albums pwn all.
LONG LIVE CDS! =] And records. Yes...
Don't stop fucking buying them!

melanie said...

I don't know Pete. I think I'd still be laughing xD

I'd be so scared to break them. And people would probably be annoyed. But oh well. Wouldn't the minidisk things skip a ton though?
Ehh I guess I have a tendency to point out the problems :p

They're cool, in a non practical way :p

Anonymous said...

that's pretty insane.

if they worked it would probably weigh a lot and be really easily broken
but still it be like having a concert beneath you. haha!


Waiting to Never Grow Up said...

nah im old school i still carry around a portable CD player... those shoes would be the nest 'step' up
actually i think it would be cool to be walking on music all day

Anonymous said...

actually i probably would laugh as hard. haha....i'd be afraid i'd break the cd or something. yea...everyone already walks around with those wireless phone hedsets in their ears now people are gonna have music coming out of their shoes. haha

Anonymous said...

hey pete-

i just thought you might be interested to hear that a bunch of us at DePaul started an Invisible Children group at the beginning of the school year. our main objective is to raise awareness to everyone on campus, but we also have some activities and events planned to raise money as well. we have held several screenings of the film andwe've had an overwhelming response so far. we don't have a website yet (just operating through facebook), but we're working on it. as soon as we get one i'll link you to it so you can check out everything we have going on. i'll keep you updated, assuming you read this.

p.s. i may post this more than once just to make sure you see it, so i apologize in advance :)

--Jodi from chicago with IC Depaul

Anonymous said...

I still use CDs. If I didn't think they'd weigh like 8000 pounds, I'd buy a pair stat.

still wandering said...

i have to get me one of these!

Anonymous said...

wow. I wouldn't even know what to do with a pair of those. I'd either wear them everywhere and be rocking out and make all my friends jealous/confused, or I'd be terrified to even put them on my feet. cause I'd be scared to break them. haha. but it's really cool either way.

Unknown said...

I think I'd still giggle but that's because any shoe that needs to be charged is pretty amusing to me.

Waiting to Never Grow Up said...

speaking of music...
i know you like to hear up and coming bands.. well this one is from Ireland

they are already on a label , im just trying to get them heard... they want to tour here and i think they are really good.. they preformed with good charlotte,

i thought you would like to take a listen... (there is more music on this one)

they are also really cool guys so take a listen i really want them to be able to tour some over here, even if its not much of a tour

NAME said...

the only problem is that when i'd be playing my awesome dance tunes, i'd want to get up and dance, and then i'd have skipped scratched cd's all over the place, and then i wouldn't be laughing, i'd be crying.

Anonymous said...

i honestly want those. they're tacky and a silly idea but i still want them. (i have bad taste, don't i?)

one day i'll be a famous rock star and i'll be able to afford stuff like that. then again, by that time they'll be much more complex and sponsored by apple. the nikepod.

Anonymous said...

insane.freakin insane!!i would be laughin pretty damn hard

Anonymous said...

that looks so wicked.

once i was listening to music on my cellphone at school and it was in my pocket and i had to go inside the classroom to get something and my teacher was like where is that music coming from? and im like my farts haha

Anonymous said...


thats rad man

get me somma them

emily said...

thats pretty sweet buy music in your shoes

alice said...


AnamoLY said...

how's the bass beat on those?

Anonymous said...

Nope, I'm pretty sure I would still be laughing

Anonymous said...

um ...I am too short to wear high tops and PETE I think you are too.

Still Laughing

Anonymous said...

What happens if it's raining?

contorted love said...


but im still laughing hard.

maybe its because i dont have iTunes?

im primative. get into it.

Caitlyn Marie said...

nope, still laughing.

i first saw the picture i was thinking.."what the?!"

one more thing..

hahaha...ummm.. ha.

okay im done. lol

Anonymous said...

haha I wouldn't... whoa.

DonkeyPunchPower! said...

those are so fly kicks