rarely do i do anything that involves me getting up from a computer keyboard. in this case trav has been staying at my house for a week and we decided to do a collection of visual art. each piece in a 100 percent collaboration between trav and i. i doubt anyone will ever see these.
1 – 200 of 219 Newer› Newest»In my opinion that`s really amazing!
Arts and crafts time. I feel like I should print the picture out and hang it on my fridge.
Hey Trav.
you're so fucking amazing pete.
and what do you like being called?
I really enjoy Travis's stuff. It's such a original modern take on pop art. Nice collaboration, too, from the pictures.
those are pretty cool.
i guess being around trav means some artistic influence rubs off right.
trouble sleeping?
"rarely do i do anything that involves getting up from a computer keyboard" ..so those tours and shit? hahaha
no way you thought that was as witty as me. i do what i can. good job though, arts and crafts. like when you used to have people sleep over in 3rd grade. sounds fun.
pete, you should really have patrick sing you to sleep...
the pieces look great! and i love the black one in the 2nd picture!
i heart fakes/flakes too, it's why i keep coming back here. heh
lol not gonna lie, looks like a 2nd grader did the ones you posted. sry im telling the truth.
so i took a second look and found...
happy as a clam
dropping like flies
raised by wolves
someone out there is (thin)king (o)f you
and this one really made me smile
folie a deux
seeing those on canvas somehow gave me this wierd sense of knowing.
thanks for making me smile
yes,amazing!/U ought to have your own modern art gallery/..
like a visual bukowski type art, huh?
who doesn't want to grow up to be a bukowski type van gogh..?
it's interesting how this blog turned into a 'who can write the most interesting comment in order to get the blogger to comment back' type thing.
you know? hmm, then again, what else did peter piper pick?
sisky biz's hoodie?
those are really really good.
if i had money, i would buy one from you. but im broke.
you should keep painting!! :]
I really love them. It would be great if you posted any others you might come up with =)
Go sleep. You and I both need it, I think.
folie à plusieurs
i love the sign that says i heart fakes lmfao, i have a question? it this true or pop. bs?
cause i really like u guys together?
i hate rumors. so i want to get the truth. even tho, it really ant my buisness.
wow pete awsome you'r amazing i love the work tell trvi what up lol well pete i luv ya and i think it rock's that you spend so much time online whit us and that you'r sooo real whit us i love you and the work you and travi dome keep up the good work! peace!!!!!!!.........love nikki
u should put them in ur nightclub. that would kick ass.
Those are cool and my sister being an artist thinks they are cool too so + for you. Oh and trav is amazing.
Untried art is my favorite form, so if no one (besides your blog readers) ever sees it, therein lies its worth.
Whoever drinks Welch's strawberry soda is fine in my book.
i realy loved the dark painting with the bottes,
can i have it?
I love my little brother's laptop. It's very nice.
And that was very nice of Travis to get you up and put your hands to some good-old fashioned creativity work.
Roomie and I were just discussing the idea/dream of having an art gallery, where I would display the art -I- like (this includes hers). I would love to have this madness shown.
But for now they're in the gallery of my mind, and I can't stop coming to this room, between Warhol and Pollock.
those are really good!
Hello Trav.
Wow! really amazing)
i see it was a fantastic week)
pete...those are sweet...i wish i was as creative as you guys. =)
I love arts and crafts next time try finger painting. Maybe you have a natural talent for everything ! You amaze me .
From P.L, double artist work for one sense. You used writing and drawing it give one interesting big picture. I used divination cards with animals to know more about the real Pete Wentz i found a cow that mean you are a model of way of life you give the milk wich allows people to grew up mentally you show it now(and a lot of other things).
Or you are going to be dad! Which one do you prefer?
i heart fakes...i say it changes to ui heart flakes, i love my boyfriend even though hes a cutsie flakey adorable throws rocks at my window kind of guy...i heart flakes :)
very cool,
kisses ;*
I'm sorry, I not be americana,
so.. I don't know speak in English so good, :)
I absoluately love it.
Two creative minds such as yours and Trive's can come up with some of the most amazing work I've ever seen.
I wish you were selling some of these, I would totally buy one or two... or all of them if I could afford it.
You continue to rock my world everyday.
that's a lot of welch's laying around.
cara! eu adorei isso!
e meu Deus, Pete, que história foi essa de você estar dirigindo rápido demais? bem, isso não é da minha conta, então.. mas eu fiquei preocupada que você fosse preso O.o
eu sei que você não sabe falar naaada e Português, mas eu tbm não sei falar isso tudo que eu queria em inglês.
mas eu só queria dizer, que eu amoo o FOB, e que, eu e TODOS os seus fãs daqui de Brasil, que são muiiiiiiiiitos! rezam todas as noites pra que vocês venham pro Brasil, mesmo mesmo, Please. :D
,kisses ;*
The right side of the top painting in the middle photo looks amazing.
As does the one behind the "i heart fakes"
Looks like collaborating was fun.
those are really cool, seems like you two make a great team!
i love to do stuff like that too, pretty fun!
say hello to trav for me (:
Are you thinking about maybe print them on t-shirts for clandestine? I would buy them.. but if you do that dont forget europe.. Stupid question but planning on having an art gallery?
By the way please do a self portrait?
Are you thinking about maybe print them on t-shirts for clandestine? I would buy them.. but if you do that dont forget europe..(im living there) Stupid question but planning on having an art gallery?
By the way please do a self portrait?
thats awsome(: and i agree with the person up there...have patrick sing you to sleep. It works for me all the time. His voice is pure gold. <3
p.s Hi Trav!
really, really, cool.
kisses ;*
(ll) I love you, and Patrick, and Andrew, and Joe, :)
omg i cant get these emails to stop coming! ive got like, 126 from this site over night. does anyone have any idea how to make it stop???
Cartharsis. (I just woke up and I'm feelin' clever.)
This is pretty much nothing like the stuff you've shown, but I can't see a canvas without thinking of this guy: Kevin Rolly
So, you should check him out anyway. Even if you don't like his work, the technique's pretty interesting.
pete you are amazing. i love the work :]
that is really frickin sweet.
pete & travie: making awesome art in '08.
makes me think of the young wild things tour, when i was on the barrier for the first time ever and travis was *right there* and like, dripping with sweat (which was for some reason not at all gross). and then patrick doing 'clothes off' made me SO HAPPY.
... nooo i keep rambling. D:
you should auction these off at a show or at the clandestine stores to raise money for invisible children!
i would pay money for some of those...they're freakin' sweet
wow, pete. wow. those are seriously amazing. I'm blown away. you guys really did a wonderful job with those. if I had the opportunity, I'd probably buy one. they're really cool.
hey travie!
hope you guys are having fun. :)
those are actually really good.
i guess travie isn't the only good artist.
i remember someone posting pictures of trav's art that was sold at clandestine (i think?) i liked it.
They're very nice Petah...since nobody will ever see these, are they going up in you and Travis's house? Or whatever you live in, cardboard box, aquarium...I don't know.
It's amazing.
All of us here see them, & we're anybodies =)
I like the black one with the bottles. T's and P's.
& something about "making out with strangers".. interesting. My favorite might be the "folie à deux" one.
I hope you guys had fun making them. I'm thinking you did, otherwise you wouldn't have made so many. They're very cool though.
I think you should sell them.
To be completely honest I'd hang them in my livingroom
thats awesome! u should put them up in the chicago clan store
If you put these up for charity on eBay, you'd probably get like 984357492578 dollars.
Those are seriously amazing, Petey. You and Travi did a fantastic job...plus it looks like you guys had fun. XD
Those are very, very cool. They'd definately look cool on some t-shirts for clandestine... but at the same time, not. becuz idk... it just seems like they shouldnt be because they are too fucking cool. lol.
give my regards to travis...pat hemmy... and keep drinkin that welchs... hahah.
madd love...
I really love these!
I think they're pretty amazing.
I asked you to show me you do read comments somehow. But you didn't. Maybe you were busy or something. Or maybe you don't actually read all of them =[
Hey Trav.
Much, much love.
Bex Ex's and Oh's
you could sell those or auction them and donate the proceeds to a charity... i bet people would pay alot of money to get one of those.
they're very cool by the way [:
the world is just crawling with strangers
who keep crawling into my bed.
i hope you're happy. really.
i'm reading comments like i've got nothing better to do.
oh no.
i don't.
i might want to dream up some better analogies with all this free time.
and usually i prefer realism. but the colours are something to be admired. the time spent away from the computer too.
realistically, there is no way to read all of these comments. but i try to anyways. some of you are amazing; the different ways you can make me jealous, since i have nothing good to say, and no good way to phrase it.
oh gosh, i'm talking to myself again. i'd like to think no one is as bored with living as i am, to do nothing but get lost in other people's days.
paint me a picture of the perfect life. i'll buy in. i swear.
would you ever consider selling those? please?
because those are fucking sexy, not only because youre you and travie is travie [i know that seems like enough].
the i heart fake intrigues me.
you should consider this artist thing..something. you never know how good you could get.
you guys should make a drink and call it tp like in that one painting..although people would think it has something to do with t-pain.
I heart fakes too.
Hi Trav.
i want one!
you and trav are amazing.
no joke.
by the way, go to sleep.
i wish i had artistic/creative friends. mine are lazy, backstabbers. what's new? its a northern virginia thing. seriously. i'm moving back to wilmette...eventually.
dude if you sold that i would buy it all in my opinion it looks awesome one question though did you guys just lock yourselves in the house for the whole week with food and water ov course and just do arts and crafts lmao thats pretty sweet and shows even rock star's get artsy and craftsy haha
chels x
Haha! Amazing!
Good job!
I love them all.
I love it!Wish u could come over or somthing so i could meet u but dreams dont usually come true...Soo YeaH..
WENTZ - did you ever get the boardie scrapbook?
Whoa, those are awesome. Shame if no one else sees them....
Thats some kind of paradise you have there.....
good job pete :)
i love how you are getting a bit more... uhm.... what's the word? im not sure, but you know what i mean. well, no you don't. :)
have a safe weekend!
ps. i love how sarcastic that is!
"i love fakes"
the patron saint of liars and FAKES!
folie a deux <3333333333
That shit is fucing white hot. Being around creativity, inspires it. Smile and feel the sun <3
pete, sometimes i think you're my best friend. kind of creepy, huh?
Looks awesome. =)
*can't help but imagine the fic this will spawn*
wow that is beautiful! my favorite is the jaimas vu one. it's cool how you can take the time to be that creative. i usually lose the momentum.
i love doing stuff like that...its really peaceful.
i'm actually kind of stunned by a few of those...put them on the ebay for charity or something.
Also, what did you paint those on? It looks like canvas (to my completely untrained eye). If it is, did you seriously stretch allll that? o.o
I love some of them
those are beautiful hahah.
jeez, what else can you do?
Nice... sounds like loads of fun, right now my room mate and i are in the process of making skate boards to sell when we finish ill send you a link to see them
making random things is the best
Lets get high on art supplies!!!
I didn't know Welch's came in a can.
So that's why Travie has been neglecting his blog....
It's odd how well this mental image of Pete and Travis painting together fits so well in my brain.
Fucking amazing.
haha. That looks like lots of fun. Great boredom buster xD
I reallly like the one in the 2nd pic w/ the red background and yellow/blue streaks ;) but of course, they're all really cool.
I feel like throwing darts at balloons full of paint..
wow. princess diaries reference.
in my mind i'm still four eatting clay because its salty like my boogers.
i really don't know what i'm talking about.
i'm 14 and i'm sickly into the presidental election.
i'm ready for obama, even if america isn't.
thats pretty awesome
i think we should have a funeral for all punctuation marks
not just "!"
What does it say at the back? Where it says 'someone out there is _______'
i put faking or fucking there, but whatever. could be different. please correct me.
I really like it, its original.
Pete, Starting in about August your music inspired me to revive my artist side which had been dead for a long time. I started designing shirts, check em out:
thanks for helping me find a part of myself that I was afraid to remember for a long time
pretty sweet
you heart fakes? well then. ok.
these could be seen as what kindergarteners would draw to some people.
My view is that this is something that the kid inside of you both of you made.
Since these are the origional, you should auction them off and donate the money to charity, just a thought.
Jamais vu...
Art collaboration with Travis, that sounds like an awesome way to spend your week. I wish I could do stuff like that. Sadly I think I was born with no talent at all as far as art goes.
What exactly is milligrammar?
saw you in the new cobra video.
Chief Wiggum is your bitch.
and falloutboy too?
aren't you heroic.
does anyone know whats up with tv these days?
i don't see why we need all these celebrities finding love reality shows.
rock of love 2?
i really miss the old shows i could wake up to on saturday morning.
okay so um...
these aren't that amazing as everyone is saying.
they are good pop art pieces but not that amazing.
stick to your day job (musician not "fashion designer" because anyone can screen print things onto tee's and call it fashion)
I heart fakes as well. Fakes make the world go round, so play the part. haha sad but true.
I want one for my new house, please and thank you. I'll buy! you can add it to your starbucks fund or donate it, your choice, but I want some art for my bare walls. puh-lease.
I hate time differences.
Looks like fun.
some, of these are really neat. I like the one with the bottles and you and trav's initials. you should hang these up in the clandestine stores...
By the looks of the glasses and cans, it resembles a "tweek" project. just sayin'
pete, like my painting?
kinda odd
oops. messed up the link.
just delete the space
thanks for making me smile.
if i wasn't broke, i'd buy one. XD
i spent all my money on Sweeney Todd and popcorn last night...
these look rad
(especially like the 2nd pic)
HOMG. Those are amazing.
I sort of expressed my artisticness on a very large canvas...The walls of the room, which is to soon be my art stuido, sort of reminds me of well...someone who moshed with paint, in way way.
There's paint splatters EVERYWHERE.
My canvases lately have been shirts, however.
I come up with a lot of good things around....5:30 AM, HA. Insomnia = <3
umh.. I doubt you will see this, but I love the bottle one. If you would like to give it to me I would love and take really good care of it.
Doesn't evryone ♥ a fake? lol
those are fricken lovely, especially the last one.
Maybe one day they'll see the light of day, and i'll purchase one without questioning how much i just spent.
jesus those are amazing
if you ever change your mind about no one seeing them i'd kill for one of those
Most people dont seem to realise that art is such a great way to releive tension and all the things that are kept bottled up deep inside.
You dont seem to realise that you've just made your raw emotion into a visual peice of artwork until you step back to look at it.
I love making a something with my best friends because most of the time we just have some music turned up really loud and are singing to it while just doing anything really. We don't even have to talk about what we are doing as it just turns out.
If you actually read this Pete then chekc out my art. I've drawn you and Patrick. I need to draw more FBR/Decaydance bands...
thats some cool shit man.
fucking original. trav's stuff is pretty amazing too, cause its so out of the ordinary.
i really like the random soda cans lying around. (no that wasn't sarcasm.)
mind if i save these for my computer backround? its kind of inspiring, and i need some of that right now.
You get so many comments now that you proved that you actually read them.
Which, I'm not gonna lie, is insanely cool.
Think about selling those, though. Or give them away to contest winners on FOE...something like that.
"i heart fakes"
apparently you really do.
slumber parties are great.
"someone out there is ???king off"
what does it say?
im curious.
I did this drawing years ago and its still unfinished, but I sorta like it that way.
Loan me canvas please.
The red with blue and yellow splatters is my favourite.
i really like you guys, Fall Out Boy...i cant say i love you guys cause i dont know you. i wouldn't like to meet you though. you guys just seem like really genuinely awesome people from the blog posts and the concert i went to. but if you turn out to have flaws like everyone else does, it might squish my image of Fall Out Boy as being the perfectest thing ever. i'd rather be happy and deluded than right (to paraphrase The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy) im really random...but if you do read the comments, please let me know if i am a true car crash heart. i own all the albums and special editions and stuff and never said a bad thing about you guys in the time since i realized you existed which was about when sugar we're goin down and dance, dance came out.(the reason why i didnt get into you sooner was because i was like just coming out of the hilary duff phase that every tween gir was in)
thanks soo much if anyone reads this, roxtar247
you piece something together and somehow my life is brightened by it... Thanks for sharing with us. I truly mean that. It sometimes seems silly that you (you guys) just do what you do have somehow become a light for all of us who needed one and, in my case taught me how to be my own light. I can see much better now! :)
I want to buy all of those I really want to decorate my room and those are perfect!! I wish you would sell them in Cali cus that's where I am unless you want me to drive to your house!! ; )
i wish i had the time to do that.
art is more open and free
when you know no one will
ever have to see it.
i used to paint, but i don't have time any more. =[
i miss painting
lol creative work Pete and Trav, seriously it looks fun, makes me think i should try something creative. XO
the one with the bottles with the lightning bolts on them...WANNA.
i heart nothing. so i heart you.
You guys should sell these for charity... Tis would be a lovley to my beroom walls.
owwwwwwwww, pretty! I want one!
*has a spaz*....*drops dead*
I kind of love this.
they're small pcitures, and i can't see very well, but those look A-M-A-Z-I-N-G.
looks wonderful.
i hope you change your mind about that last comment you made... although im sure i dont have enough money to ever be able to own one anyway
wow. you guys are artists on so many levels
can i have one slash buy one.
send me one for my birthday?
its on the 23rd just so you know ;)
look up for once kid,
the world is smiling down on you.
wow. those all look so creative pete. :D
i think you should keep that up.
i would love to have the "i heart fakes" on my wall.
xo. tina
It looks awesome!
It's kind of ironic that you made a post about art projects on here, I was just going to send you to a link I thought you might like
You should like sell them for charity or something.
You guys are so creative!
Wat r fakes? do yoo meen posers? or is it food?
(yes im blonde)
i was going to try and leave a really clever comment but it's late and i'm listening to the academy is... and my brain is fried. so i'll just say that i love them and i wish i could do art...
wow many arts! these are amazing!
I want a T-shirt to print this picture!
wow i can't even seem to color inside the lines so to me those are awesome.
"rarely do i do anything that involves getting up from a computer keyboard"
riiiight... so we play bass on garage band now ?
post on your other blog so i know it hasn't died, and i can still keep my hopes up that you'll update various ones at random times. it keeps this game of me obsessing over your words/thoughts funner.
That last one is truly amazing,guys.
I commend you on your ability to be amazing when you put your minds to it.
Verr niice.
I want one !!!!
time to make friends with the strangers in your bed. I can vouch for myself and say I think I can keep you warm enough.
I am happy. Really.
Sometimes I do, too.
oh, yes.
because I don't, either.
analogies for...?
Realism is nice, but sometimes you just need colors because... well, colors are fun and engaging. no computer time can be relaxing, if spent right.
realistically, you can try, and I can try, but that's all we can do. And don't be jealous. Sometimes we can't say what we'd like simply because we can't find a way to express it sensically (haha, this is not a word. see what I mean?). other times it's because the amount of such an emotion cannot be expressed. like a really super high number. beyond the bajillion set. you just start making up words, or even substituting values for x's and n's and what not, and in turn substituting values.
No, you're not. I'm listening. Watching others and learning about them is a great way to spend time.
if only i could, but then i don't know what your perfect is, and i'm not sure it'd be the same as mine.
bravo wentz and mccoy. looks pretty awesome. too bad i dont have enough time to hang out with my friends and be creative like that...lucky.
Is it sad the first thing I thought at the top pic was clean your house. Must be the mother in me. I like the Folie à deux one kind of reminds me of the mural on my bedroom wall.
I'm seriously just sitting here stalking this blog reading every comment looking for a certain puzzle piece and maybe some awnsers.
of course, posting this wasn't much of a help just pointing out how obessed I am with the whole Pretty. Odd.(letsgorunaroundtheinternetlookingfofpuzzlepieces) albumn art work and the Medicine Man who ever he may be. He's a creep though.
But the artwork is amazing. Let's just add that to the list of things you do amazingly. Like faking smiles and writing.
this dosn't have much of a point, just how sad and utterly unamusing my life is and how wrapped up I am in your friends little games, I should say theyre nothing below addicting.
On a side note of my terriable grammar and spelling, I really like this blog. It's alot more happier feeling than other blogs of yours and i think it's just what this whole "internet fall out boy cult" needed. A diffrent view.
hi pete.
i'm bored.
humor me, i dare you.
I seriously want one
i wish the world was made of art, that was it would be easy to erase things like poverty, idle leaders and iggnorance.
forgive me but sometimes i think you're vain
and i dont love you cause your a person i dont know and i dont consider you as above me. everyones on the same level really
words make me think. i'd like to meet you sometime.
These are phenominal :)
Any chance we could buy these for charity?
P.S. When's your cast being auctioned?
Mister Wentz, did you have anything to do with this?!? ... :|
Considering their grammatical ~skillz, I think not. But still, thought you'd like to see it for teh laffs. Cheers!
why do people put crappy comments on here? If they dont like you or what you post then they shouldnt comment. But whatever.
And i heart fakes too. Haha, maybe i am a fake. maybe we're all fakes.
They make the world go round. If we didnt have them, then we'd miss them.
those are amazing. <3
it would be just oh so amazing to get my hands on one of those. ha.
xD nice welches grape juice and dog toy. lol
keep up the amazingnessss
We should do "folie à deux". Thanks for your french fan. On t'aime Pete (and all the band too).
That's fantastic :D
You and trav, damn that must be a party. :)
i think you make beautiful art. i'd buy it.
especially if you were selling it to support something.
just an idea.
i hope that whole sleeping thing starts working out for you
Those look really awesome.
I totally suck at art.
And when I do manage to do something relatively nice (in my opinion), people are like, "What the hell is that?"
So I've given up on that talent.
Have you noticed that once you said that you read the comments you are getting like a 100 more comments then you did before? Interesting...
I would actualy love to see some close up shots
yes. its a great day for a murder.
..and i love him.
woooww hahaha i'll love to do that kind of things haha
i like hippocrits more...
I wonder how many exclamation points we have to use to make panic bring it back. Lets try it:
Wentz! Hey! How! Are! You! This! Is!.... you know what, fuck it. I dont miss it that much....
Travis needs to sell his art through Clandestine, or something. For serious. Pass this onto him. He needs to sell it. My room needs decoration.
And by "selling it through Clandestine" I mean having it available on the webstore, not in the Chicago only area.
Moving on... There was once a girl who went to a meet and greet. And her friend called her 2 days later flipping out about what was written on your blog spot. To be quoted directly...
i can make a mess of anything. but its strange to say when a stranger can bring you peace. you just swaying in the heat of the meet and greet. a face and a voice i dont know. just a tap on the shoulder and a "keep your chin up" from you. but there was a kindness there that brought me back. thank you.
Do you still remember that person?
wow pete- you guys are awesome
tell travie i said hi
i dont really have anything to add, but i wanted to leave a comment because its kind of comforting knowing that youre reading what im writing.
thanks man
hey pete..i made have a blog on here too. please check it out my url is
your werent kiddin' when you
said you had free time. hmmm,
i guess.these are pretty niffty.
thanx for doing this.
now i feel more connected
to you than ever. wait?, that
kinda sounds creepy. dont take it
that way. most "rockstar's" dont
really do this kind of stuff or whatever.
well rest your creative mind
at ease. then wake up and think
of our "fans" smiling faces again.
xo-jenn m.
peter, this is amazing, i wish i had the kind of talent and imagination that u and travie share and to be able to dream up something like that and then portray it in art is amazing. Ahh well i think that i will stick to my science, woo. p.s i think work like that needs to be shown to the world xo
Well that is amazing that you got off the computer. But that would be very hypocritical of me to say considering I usually am on my computer. By the way, that is an awesome collection you guys have.
not that i don't love hearing about you pete, but what are the other dudes up to?
wow, you guys should have your own painting show,
like bob ross?
haha =]
if you ever sold those.
i would deff. buy the 'I HEART FAKES' one.
drop it
so by 'collection of visual art'
i assume you mean something that looks like a 12 year old kid did it in art class...
and by the way, thanks to you I passed my french final.
thats smexy :)
say hi to travie for me
dude seriously put it on ebay. you'll become even more of a multi millionaire cos im sure loads of ppl will come buy them. lets face it i bet if you cut your hair sombody will buy it for at LEAST 50$
but whatevs. you may wish to frame it and start a gallery
~~~If you aim to be liked, you'll never be yourself. If you aim to be tolerated,a friend you'll never be,if you just be yourself, friends and toleration will have been there all along~~
yeah...maybe this only makes sense in my own head, seeing as thats the corner it seemed to crawl out of.
Pete, you and Trav work well together. You have a lot of talent, thanks for always sharing what goes on in your head. It makes people feel special, well it makes me feel like I am apart of something. Get some sleep
Kitty sidled up to Panda from behind, "...Panda!," she whispered.
dorm life sucks. neighbors are too loud.
anyway 2nd attempt at this, i don't remember what i tried to say last time something along the lines of its fun to forget all the bull shit and say what you like sometimes.
you and travie should have been in nyc for cobra. it was a fun time even though i don't remember most of it... which isn't that fabulous to tell you the truth, i may have gotten in too deep... eh. i was told patrick was there, its disappointing to not remember him.. i don't know how anyone could ever forget him
keep painting in those sleepless hours, your fans are eating it up like you 3am lyrics.
i guess thats all i'll attempt to say for now.
blkiap... i don't think thats a word so how can it be used to verify anything?... such is life.
ha i like jidin better...
hey, commnt b4 mine.
LOL did u try 2 kill yrself or sumthing?
u R a phhhhhreak. nd u ned to get a lyyyyyfe! jus like evrywun elss heeere.
you guys are awesome! you could make a fortune selling that stuff! HOPE YOU LIKED THE SCRAPBOOK ME AND MY FRIEND GAVE YOU AT CLANDESTINE Dec 28!
i wish i knew what you thought of it...ohh well lol, ill go on in life wondering...
one of my new 7 wonders of the world
i miss you. hope everything's going well. really.
hey pete-
i just thought you might be interested to hear that a bunch of us at DePaul started an Invisible Children group at the beginning of the school year. our main objective is to raise awareness to everyone on campus, but we also have some activities and events planned to raise money as well. we have held several screenings of the film andwe've had an overwhelming response so far. we don't have a website yet (just operating through facebook), but we're working on it. as soon as we get one i'll link you to it so you can check out everything we have going on. i'll keep you updated, assuming you read this.
p.s. i may post this more than once just to make sure you see it, so i apologize in advance :)
--Jodi from chicago with IC Depaul
like people, art too is judged as "the best" or bad based on how others are when also like people, art is impossible to see everything. the upper echelon of worldly things does not have any vacancies right now.
i can honestly say that your art isn't bad at all. i can't lie via the web and say it's the best thing i've seen either. i simply haven't seen it all. I do like it though and i hope you and trav seriously continue this medium of art in your life.
art can survive long after people expire. leave a mark of some sort behind, but i hope your stuff doesn't end up like Picasso, Monet, Cezanne, or Warhol, where you too can have works of art outrageously valued only to be bought later and displayed as a soon forgotten conversation piece.
ciao hun
Lol, before there were like between 50 and 70 comments, now they pass the 150... haha, now people are gonna comment like crazy hoping that you write back while stalking them from their front lawn...
Or they're gonna write to you from YOUR front lawn... O.o.... (that's gotta be halloween everyday... freeaakaayy.....)
Anyhow, have you seen that vid in youtube with the british prank call to a chinese take-out restaurant? just type in "food" in search and it appears in the top options... haha, it's freakin hilarious, my sis was laughing so hard...
Hope all is well...
pretty crazy.
i wish the art class at my lame highschool got to do stuff like that.
rock on you guys.
its 4 am here and im not tired...havent gone to sleep yet.
wow, they're amazing pieces...
what are you planning on doing with them?
I love the whole I heart thing. That is my buzznet name. Eyeheartpunk. It says a little something something more about the way you feel about something.
Fridge art is the best. I have kids and mine is covered. Gotta heart it!
hey thats awesome
i like that you're doing art.
:) it makes me smile (because i am crazy)
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